Page 36 of Thin Ice

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The longer I talked, the more animated Caroline became.

She stopped me with an upheld finger. “I’m sorry. I don’t wish to interrupt, but there’s someone I want to hear this.” She waved at someone and smiled. “Laura. You and Watson come here for a moment. You need to hear Lucy’s ideas.”

Another couple joined us. They said hello to Caroline, then looked my way. Laura blinked at me. “You’re Lucy Ashley.” Her smile widened. “I know your parents. We all grew up together.”

I tried not to let that rattle my courage.

Zachary squeezed my hand to his side. Abigail’s laughter sounded from my left, and I looked that way in time to see Lennox spinning her around with her arm up over her head. Her face full of excitement and joy. She was having the time of her life.

I experienced a moment of regret that I couldn’t spend the whole night laughing and dancing too. But I’d come here to gain support for my campaign.

Lennox twirled Abigail again when the pianist picked up a livelier tune. All around us, people turned at the sound of Abigail laughing. Lennox joined in with a deep chuckle. He was amazing. They all were. Justin cut in on Lennox and they took turns dancing with Abigail. None of them seemed to have a care in the world. I fell in love with them a little bit in that moment.

Zachary turned around when a man called his name. The move brought his right side close to mine, and I let go of his arm to keep from getting tangled up in his tux.

He stretched his head up and to the side as he searched for the man still calling out his name. His collar slipped down his neck, revealing a strawberry birthmark.

Shock froze me in place. What the hell? It couldn’t be. I tried not to stare, but I needed a closer look. I leaned toward him at the same time he lowered his head and shook hands with a man in a peach tux. Blood roared in my ears until I thought I’d pass out.

Caroline touched my arm and called my name, dragging my attention away from Zachary and the mark about the size of my thumb that dipped below his collar.

The same mark that graced my daughter’s neck. The one thing I remembered about my one-night stand in college. Oh fuck. If Abigail saw the mark on his neck, she’d go ballistic.

Was Zachary my daughter’s father? The thought staggered me. What were the chances?



Something was bothering Lucy. She stood stiff at my side, her voice tightening as she kept talking to Caroline.

I shook hands with Mark, and we stepped off to the side so our conversation wouldn’t interfere with Lucy’s. She watched me go with an inscrutable expression.

Lennox and Justin finished their dance with Abigail and walked her over to Lucy. I nodded my thanks at them and was rewarded with Justin’s shit-eating grin.

“Nice party.” Justin butted in as he passed.

Mark lifted his glass of champagne in a toasting gesture. “I almost didn’t come. Sick to death of wearing this suit.” He tugged at the collar and grimaced.

“I hear you.” I worked my finger beneath my collar and pulled it away from my neck. I usually didn’t mind the whole ordeal. It was for a good cause. But tonight, the suit chafed and all I could think about was getting back to Lucy and figuring out why she kept staring at me like that.

Mark ambled off to talk to someone else, and I turned back to Lucy. She knelt in front of Abigail, smoothing the girl’s hair over and over. “Are you having fun?”

Abigail nodded and yawned. “Uh-huh.”

“Good.” Lucy straightened and cast a quick look around the room.

The room had filled up while I was walking Lucy around introducing her to people. I cupped her elbow and tilted my head to the side. “Can I talk to you?”

Abigail rubbed her eyes and yawned again. “Is it time to go home?” She peered up at her mother, exhaustion dimming the brightness in her eyes.

I checked my watch, surprised at the late hour. It felt like we’d just gotten here.

Lucy sighed. “Sorry. She’s used to going to bed early. I should have expected it would wear her out. I’m surprised it didn’t hype her up.” She took Abigail’s hand and squeezed. “Can you stay awake a little longer?”

Abigail nodded and wrapped her arm around Lucy’s legs. “I like it here. It’s fun.”

“I have a room,” I blurted out the words without thinking them through. I knew Lucy wouldn’t accept the invitation to go upstairs with me. It was too much to hope for, but now that I’d brought it up, I stood by it. “Maybe she just needs a quick nap?”

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