Page 37 of Shadow Killer

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“I’ve already sent a squad car. They found Leanna.”

Brandon looked at Callan in surprise. “What?”

“She’s alive, but unconscious and on her way to the hospital. We have a good understanding of what happened because of Noelle. I can’t believe how clever she was.”

With his blood rushing through his ears, Brandon tried to register the information Roseline was bombarding him with, how she’d used her earpiece still connected to her phone, to record everything that was said in the cell Noelle had found under the shed—Erin Stait’s evil plan of how she’d decided to avenge her lover Reinhard Reeker and right all the wrongs he’d suffered through his life. There were many holes in the story, but from what he could gather, Erin Stait took it upon herself to plan this entire rampage, to have Lottie Noble killher husband, and Carole Whelan kill her employer under the influence of a powerful and unique drug, the same drug she’d used on Jordyn and Leanna at Quicksilver. Roseline had tracked the madwoman’s phone and discovered she’d been at the Quicksilver the night of the kidnapping and had camera footage to support it.

“The squad didn’t find any sign of Noelle or Erin, but it’s clear someone was dragged from the cellar and toward Erin’s car. We’re working at locating it.”

Callan turned toward the address Roseline had given them, and Brandon recognized the street he’d strolled along with Noelle after the fire at Dominique’s. Several police cars were parked in front of Erin’s house, and he spotted Commander Beckner’s vehicle.

Callan had barely parked before Brandon leaped out of the car and ran to the commander, who was talking to Reinhard. As soon as he saw the man who might be the cause of everything, he didn’t know how to react. After all, everyone was innocent until proven guilty, although, at that instant, he’d take down anyone who even had a hint of being involved.

“Turner!” It was only when his commander barked his name that Brandon realized he’d lunged toward Reeker. “I’ve been informed of the situation, and how Ms. Stait is probably the link we were searching for in the first two cases I assigned you. I’ve also been advised of this newest situation and I’ve called in all available men and women within the NOPD to find Noelle. She’s one of ours, and we will find her. I’m putting you in charge of this task force, Turner.”

Brandon nodded at him, but before he could say a word, Reinhard Reeker stepped in. “Brandon, I swear I didn’t know Erin was a killer and had attacked those people. I would’ve stopped her. I don’t understand why you suspected I’d take part in something which I’ve fought against all my career!”

Conflicted, Brandon fought to distinguish his memories of Reinhard as his best friend’s father against the reputation he had as a cop within the department. Lucky enough, the commander found the right answer.

“Reeker, even if the investigation demonstrates you had nothing to do with Erin Stait’s killing spree, apart from being her love interest, I’d still be questioning how your conduct tainted the position you seem to hold dear. And to be frank, I doubt I’ll keep you in our ranks unless I see a definite change in your behavior. And that change needs to start now, with you disclosing anything that can help us find Erin Stait and Noelle.”

His tone didn’t leave Reeker any option, and Brandon could see the older man slowly crumple in front of them. “I never wanted harm to come to Noelle or any of the CSI Team. I admit that I’ve discussed my past with Erin, and disclosed painful information, but I was just letting off steam.”

Brandon felt that they were losing time. “This isn’t the time to be sorry or have regrets. We can talk about it later. Think hard. You’re the person who knows Erin the best. Could she have fled to a friend or family member? Did she talk about specific places she’s fond of that she could use as a potential hideout? Think hard and fast, Reinhard. Noelle’s life is on the line.” That last sentence felt foul in his mouth.

Reeker looked lost in thought for a moment and finally nodded. “Erin has family in the north, but as she took that lost cause of a car of hers, I don’t think she’d get that far...”

Brandon’s heart dropped, caught in a swirl of desperation for any clue, any hint that would help him find Noelle even faster.

“I remember she had an aunt that lived near Port Sulphur. Or maybe she had a cabin there.”

Brandon nodded as the commander stepped in. “Both of you, go back to base and take the helicopter. I’ll have the address as soon as you’re in the air.” He turned to Callan next. “Hemlock,you can go with them. I’ll contact the Plaquemines Parish Sheriff's Office for backup. Act quickly and swiftly. Reeker, your future within the NOPD depends on how this concludes.” Commander Beckner touched Brandon’s shoulder. “Bring our girl back.”


Everything moved fast after that, but at least Brandon knew Callan was the man he wanted by his side for this. They’d barely exchanged a word before lift-off, but it was clear his friend would keep an eye on Reinhard Reeker the entire way. Chances were slim that the man had a direct hand in this, but he wouldn’t take that dark cloud hovering over his head lightly. Dominique’s words came back to him, and he wished he’d understood the meaning behind Noelle’s friend’s words sooner and thus protected Noelle.

As they reached their destination, Brandon couldn’t help but conjure her angelic face in his mind. He wished he could trace each freckle on her ivory skin and twirl a dark strand of her hair around his finger. Despite the wind and the faint smell of the bayou, he remembered the scent of her skin and her taste.

Brandon locked up all thoughts of Noelle until she was back safe and sound in his arms as they descended. As they landed behind the sheriff’s office he saw the man was flanked by two of his officers, and all three men were armed and ready.

“Lieutenant Turner, I’m Sheriff Leo Bennett. Follow me, and I’ll drive you and your men to the location. I’ve already sent someone to keep an eye on it and report if anything is out of the ordinary. So far, they’ve seen the suspect’s car at said address.”

Reeker and Callan rode with the deputies while Brandon got in the sheriff’s pick-up truck.

“We’re five minutes away from the location, lieutenant. Your commander said you didn’t have time to bring equipment, so check behind you and take whatever you need.”

Brandon checked the weapons on board and took a rifle in addition to his gun. The sheriff had come prepared, and he was grateful for it, although he prayed their arrival wouldn’t turn into a firefight.

“Have your men noticed anyone inside the house?”

“The curtains were drawn, but they could hear faint noises. Lucky for us, the house is slightly apart from the others and, therefore, easier to secure. I suggest we arrive discreetly. I know a way to remain unseen if you’re willing to follow me.”

“This is your terrain, and I trust your judgment, Sheriff. We’ll do it your way. Just advise your men not to shoot. I don’t want to take any risks with Noelle’s life.”

With a curt nod, the sheriff agreed before parking two doors down. From that vantage point, it was impossible to see the house itself, and Brandon understood why the sheriff had planned to approach from behind, through the bushes and trees.

Reinhard and Callan jogged to them, well-equipped and ready to go.

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