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“I was not. You’re so fucking full of yourself. You don’t even see what’s right in front of you.”

“What I’m seeing right now is a happy man because he got to screw the woman he’d been living with for four weeks, and he was desperate to be inside her.”

Drew slammed his hand on the desk. “What happened is none of your business, okay?”

Callum frowned. “I thought you’d appreciate having a little something to yourself.”

“What I appreciate is … do you have any idea what kind of trouble you’ve caused now? What you’ve … done?”

“Got you laid.”

“No, you know I used to bully this woman in high school. I used to call her names, pick on her for being bigger.” He couldn’t bring himself to say the word fat. No, he wouldn’t do that. Running a hand down his face, he shook his head. He wasn’t going to tell his brother how he’d used bullying tactics to get her into bed. She’d wanted him and he’d wanted her, but it … no, he wasn’t going to go there.

“And I’m guessing with the way you look at her, and you’ve now felt her, you’re wanting those curves wrapped around you on a daily basis. Why don’t you admit it?”

“I’m not denying it, but you’re messing with people’s lives.”

“No, I’m messing with your life, which as your big brother, I can and I will do.” Callum stopped smiling, going all serious. “I mean it, Drew, you deserve some happiness after what Tilly put you through. I don’t mean with the kid or the divorce. With the bruises.”

“Man, don’t.”

“No, don’t tell me to stop. You could have reported her ass, but you didn’t.”

“I’m not going to report her because she likes to hit.”

Callum sighed. “You know domestic abuse happens to men as well. There’s no shame in that.”

“Look, I know what you’re saying, and I get it, I do. You don’t need to worry. I don’t flinch, and I’m not in any danger. I’ve got a PI looking into Tilly, and she will sign the papers.”

“When she’s good and ready?”

“She’s not controlling me.”

“You need to learn to take back your own control. Right now, you’re fucking failing, a lot.” Callum got to his feet. “Well, would you look here?” He opened the door to Meghan and Callie. “I can’t believe it’s lunchtime already. Callie, would you do me the honor of joining me?”

“Er, I’ve got Meghan.”

“My brother can handle Meghan,” he said. “Can’t you, brother?”


Callie looked toward him. “I think I should stay with Meghan.”

Drew knew if he didn’t let his brother do this now, it was only going to be a matter of time before he found some inconvenient way to do his brother bit.

“No, it’s fine. Meghan and I can have our lunch together. Can’t we, munchkin?”

“Yes!” Meghan laughed as she bounced up and onto his knee.

“If you’re sure,” Callie said.

“I’m sure.”

She nodded.

He wanted to demand she come in and kiss him. Instead, he kissed his daughter’s head and watched as Callum closed his door and escorted his woman out of the room.

Now he was pissed. They had a rule to never bring up the abuse Tilly would throw at him, not now, not ever. He’d done that.

He was pissed off. But there was nothing he could do.

Callum wanted to be the big brother and even though he knew it was going to bite him in the ass, he’d let him.


Callie had debated all morning bringing Drew his food. Now as she sat opposite his brother in the diner, she wished she’d stayed home and brought up some lame excuse about taking care of Meghan.

Their routine was pretty basic, and she did enjoy taking food to Drew. He didn’t always take care of himself and even as she told herself she hated him, she still didn’t want to see him hurt. He was Meghan’s father. It was only right they took care of him the best way they could.

After ordering some chili cheese fries, she sat back and waited.

Callum settled on a burger and fries.

“How are you, Callie?” Callum asked.

“I’m great. Meghan is also wonderful. She talked constantly about her time with you and the kids this morning. She loves hanging out with you.”

“Let’s cut the crap, I know you fucked my brother.”

The charming smile was gone and in its place was a man down to business. Her heart raced. She didn’t know what kind of lawyer this man was, but clearly he was good at his job because right now, he was terrifying her.

“I … er … I don’t know, it wasn’t supposed to happen.”

“But it did. I know Drew was a dick to you in high school. I also don’t really fucking care, in all honesty,” he said. “What was in the past will stay there. I also won’t be calling your agency to say what I know or to report you.”
