Page 42 of Fai's Dark Mate

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“Not at all,” she said with surprise.

To see Travus genuinely concerned for her well-being was new, and it made her feel guilty for lying to him. Though she didn’t feel unwell at that moment, she was sure something was bound to reveal itself. She just hoped it wouldn’t be too serious.

Suddenly, her stomach lurched painfully up to her chest, and she threw herself toward the bedside. Her dinner, an unrecognizable mess, was now splattered over the marble floor.

“Mierna!” Travus cried out frantically as he grabbed her from falling off. She felt weak and limp as he turned her over in his arms. “Mierna, what’s wrong?” he demanded. “How long have you been sick?”

“I probably just ate something that was starting to spoil,” she said as reassuringly as she could while wiping her mouth. “I’m sure the healer will manage.”

There was a knock at the door and a guard called for Travus outside, stating that Arthur had arrived. Without a moment to spare, he hooked his arms under her body andlifted her off the bed. Her arms flailed in surprise before wrapping around his neck.

“Travus, I’m fine,” she insisted weakly. “I can walk.”

“You’re gray in the face,” he replied sternly as he wrapped her in the velvet bedspread. “I’mnottaking any chances.”

She felt a sense of amusement stir within her as she smirked up at him. “You’re so worried about me.”

“Why wouldn’t I be? You’re ill.”

“Would you be worried about anyone else like this?”

He opened his mouth to respond, then paused, and then spoke. “Perhaps not, but you’re different. We might be married by the end of the month.”

“You sound eager,” she teased. “Did you accidentally fall in love with me?”

The genuine confusion and then thoughtfulness on his face threw her off, and the faint blush on his ears only confirmed the possibility. She didn’t think he would have a smidgen of seriousness or consideration about her being his wife, but to know that it mattered to him shocked her.


“You’re being delirious and asking very ridiculous questions so please stay quiet until the healer ensures you’re alright,” he said so quickly that Aria had trouble following. Nevertheless, she stayed silent and decided not to think about it too much.

When they reached the foyer, Arthur and the healer were just stepping inside. As soon as the knight caught sight of Aria in Travus’s arms, his face displayed visible panic. He rushed over to her as Travus walked down the last few steps.

“Ari–are you alright, Princess Mierna?” he stammered, and Aria glared at him momentarily for the slip up.

“I’m sure it’s nothing too troubling,” she said as Travus took her over to a chaise lounge and gently set her down. “I just have an upset stomach.”

The healer was hooded, and it was none other than her squadron’s healer sentinel, Brie, who also looked alarmed.

“Could you two give me some privacy?” Mierna asked the men. “My checkups tend to be invasive.”

“Wait,” Travus said with seriousness. “I have a medical room. You should be comfortable there with enough privacy.”

“Oh, thank you–oh!”

Travus whisked her up into his arms suddenly once more as he took her away into a room not too far into the hallway that led to the kitchen. Frankly, Aria felt embarrassed by how infantile she felt in that moment. She hadn’t been carried like that since she was perhaps six or seven years old, nor had she been looked after with so much concern.

Setting her down, Travus gave her an encouraging pat on the back before reluctantly leaving her with the healer, closing the door behind him. Aria and Brie could hear his footsteps marching away, and she was taken aback by the level of trust he had in her.

Now she felt even guiltier for leaking his plans to Arthur.


She didn’t realize she’d fallen asleep whilst being examined, but she woke up to Brie’s unhappy face.

“Aria…” she whispered, “you’re not going to like this.”

A deep sigh left her as she prepared herself for the worst. Perhaps the dark magic of the mark she used to link with Travus had finally contaminated her irreversibly.Maybe it was the dark magic of the castle. It would explain everything.
