Page 4 of Seduced

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That dick!

“Seems like you weren’t too fussed about being part of this family or even this pack. Which is great news for you, because from now on you won’t be. You know how we do things around here.”

Delilah’s mouth fell open. “I’m being banished?”

“As if we’d do something so cruel to you.” He sneered. “No, you’re being given to another pack alpha, as a peace offering.”


“There you go again, always with the negative.” Jonah clucked his tongue and shook his head. “You’re a gift, Delilah. This is going to help the pack in a big way. You should feel proud.”

She licked her lips, her mouth dry, but managed to croak out a single word. “Who?”

“Doesn’t matter, now does it? All you need to know is that’s the arrangement.” He strolled back to the door and then stopped before turning to her once more. “You know, it really is a great thing you’re doing. Thank you for your sacrifice.”

Delilah put her hands over her mouth as the alpha disappeared, the door closed, and the lock turned. She sank to the floor, the bitter taste of betrayal fresh in her mouth. She had no idea what she was going to do, and it didn’t look like she had any choice in the matter, anyway.

When she’d thought about a fresh start, this wasn’t exactly what she had in mind.

Chapter 3


“Sonsofbitches,”Delilahwhispered to herself as the sun gradually set. She’d been locked up in this room for almost a whole day now, but she had no intention of staying there for much longer. She’d already escaped one cage. No way was she going to succumb to another.

She lay on the bed, wishing for the sun to go down. That’s when she’d make her escape. Luckily for her, the room she was in was on the ground floor. From what she could gather, it was a bedroom of sorts, probably used by members of the inner circle for reasons she couldn’t quite decipher. But that wasn’t unusual. Deacon Claw pack was highly secretive, and no one was going to question Jonah’s motives foranything.

The other thing they were unlikely to question was whether or not Delilah was going to stay put. No one would dare run from Jonah and his pack. That’s why she hadn’t been tied up and why the room she was situated in was on the ground floor.

Any other time Delilah would’ve thought she was crazy to even consider running, especially as she seemed to be serving some special kind of purpose. But just the thought of being sold, or whatever they were doing with her, made her feel dead inside.

She still hadn’t quite come to terms with the fact this kind of arrangement was even athing. God knew this pack wasn’t exactly some kind of utopia when it came to equality of the sexes, but giving women to other alphas as a gift was beyondmedieval!

Not only that, but the man who was her mate only twenty-four hours previously was willing to go along with the plan! They hadn’t exactly ended things on good terms, but as break-ups went, that really was something.

She shook her head in disbelief and whispered to herself. “Who the fuck are these people?”

It was like she didn’t recognize anything anymore, from her pack to herself. She’d never act like this any other time. Now, it was a risk she was willing to take.

Looking back through the closet again, she decided the best way to go about disappearing would be to ditch her clothes and use some of the ones hanging up. They were ridiculously big, obviously made for a man twice her size, but they would do the job, being highly scented with another shifter’s essence.

Reluctantly she waited, knowing that if she was going to do this—and shewas—she needed to have some patience and leave only when the time was right. That was when the sun had been down for several hours and the pack and the town were deep in the middle of sleep.

When the time came, she pressed her ear to the door, hearing nothing. Next, she looked out of the window, fairly happy that the streets beyond were still and she could slip through them without being detected.

Finally, she peeled off her clothes, including her underwear, leaving them in a heap on the floor. Then she pulled on whatever she thought would fit her the best from the closet. It needed to be something highly scented and not so big that it would impede her as she ran.

She settled on some jeans with a belt and a flannel shirt. Tucking everything so she could run freely, she topped it off by rubbing a sweater over any skin that wasn’t clothed, starting at her hands and moving up to her neck and face before running it over her hair, too.

She gagged slightly at the scent and from being covered so fully in a stranger’s essence. The last thing she wanted was to smell like this pack ever again. But at least it covered up her scent, which was the most important thing. Hell, she’d crawl through the sewers if that was the only way out of this town.

Carefully—slowly—she lifted the sash window and slipped out. It took all of her willpower not to shift and run, knowing full well that if she did her scent would return, and she’d be easily traced. For now, she’d have to remain in human form.

The streets were quiet and still as she slipped through them, bathed only in the orange glow of the streetlights. As much as she just wanted to get going, she had to get back to her place to collect everything she was going to need to get away andstayaway.

When she reached her apartment, she found the door already open and knew that Clark had been there before she even smelled him. She didn’t look around, not wanting to see whatever he’d done. She was leaving now anyway, and this place would be a part of her past, just likehim.

Just like the Deacon Claw pack.
