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I was the one who drove over here all by myself.

I was the one who broke into her house.

I was the one who stripped naked and fucked her like an animal.

Did she like it? Sure, she did. But does that make it right? No fuckin’ way.

I can’t feel one bit guilty about it. As much as I know it’s wrong, my need for her is too strong.

I’m fucked. I know that much.

I didn’t think that she’d keep burying herself deeper and deeper under my skin. I thought that I’d be able to shake her after fucking her stupid. My dick doesn’t seem to think so, and neither does any other part of me, other than my head. I’m not thinking with the right one, clearly.

The look on her smug little face when she got what she wanted.

Is that all she wanted from me?

Just a quick fuck?

How many other men has she just had a quick fuck with?

Is that her thing?

So many goddamn questions and it’s driving me completely insane.

Her body.

Her goddamn body.

Her curves that go for days. I fuckin’ love how her thighs are thick, her stomach round, her tits big, and she has an ass I could park my bike in. I like a woman I can hold on to. Remembering my finger in her ass has me squirming on my sled.

Why the fuck did I leave?

I don’t take goddamn orders from her, or any woman in this club or otherwise. Yet with Luna, I seem to let a lot of things slide.

As much as I try to wipe her from my thoughts, that’s a little hard when her pussy juices are still coating my cock.

I’m a fuckin’ fool.

For believing that I could just have a quick fuck and that would be that. For ever trusting my own instincts because, clearly, they’re wrong. And for daring to believe that this could actually work out. For a split second there, I saw our future.

Usually, when a bitch starts getting too naggy, I run a fuckin’ mile. But when I’m with my girl, all I can think about is us. Together. Maybe even a couple of kids…What the fuck?

I don’t even like kids. They’re weird little things and smell bad. They don’t like me, and I don’t like them. But imagining Luna pregnant with my kid…that just makes me want to turn around and do very bad things to her all over again. Fuck the consequences.

Fuck the fact that, morally, it’s wrong. Or that our parents would die a thousand deaths if they ever found out. Plus, the ridicule I’d receive from my club, and then there’s Luna and the backlash she’d get. Sure, her friends would support her, but not everyone would. She’d be a joke. A laughingstock. Someone to judge and talk about behind her back. I can’t allow that.

I won’t put her through that. She deserves better.

Yet when I think about another man being in my place, my anger boils once more.

No fuckin’ way am I gonna allow that, either.

Another man sliding into that sweet pussy and calling her name? Not happening on my watch.

She’s not mine.

