Page 56 of Tag

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I still have some pretty hard fuckin’ feelings about that, even though she thinks I don’t have any.

But fuck her.

I shouldn’t do shit.

She should find her own vehicle… Even as I think it, I know that I’m not going to see her safety put at risk. Nothing has changed over the years where that’s concerned. In fact, I’m even more protective of her since she got back.

Working for the club is a bonus. It means I know where she is at all times.

As I sit at my desk, looking at the amount of paperwork stacking up that I need to get to Jas, I hear a rap at the door.

“Hey, Tag,” Summer says as I give her a chin lift.

“Hey, Tink.”

We named her Tink because she looks like Tinkerbell with her short haircut and gamine features.

“What’s happening?”

I grunt. “Same shit, different day.”

She takes a seat opposite and then waves a bag of donuts at me.

My eyes light up.

She’s the only one who gives a shit about my wellbeing, I swear to God.

“Are those the frosted ones?”


“Good.” I take the bag and shove one into my mouth. “They don’t make these in a box?”

She rolls her eyes. “A simple thank you would be nice, too.”

“Appreciate it,” I garble as I shove another one in.

“I now know why you’re single,” she says, wrinkling her nose.

“You don’t have to sit there watchin’ me eat.”

“I came to chat.”

I sigh. “I don’t chat.”

“You do to me.” She smiles sweetly.

I’m reminded once again that I’ve no fuckin’ idea why I befriended her. It’s not like we talk. She lectures me and I grunt and walk away.

“The fuck is in this?” I say, devouring my third one.

“Sugar, mainly.”

I grunt again. “What do you want?”

“Can’t a girl come in to see her friend and not be accused of wanting something?”

I roll my eyes. Then a thought hits me. “Do you like G-Wagons?”
