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He grunts, displeased. “Luna Louise Shields, that’s a lot of money.”

I’m surprised he even knows my middle name. Should I be thankful?

“I know, but I’ll pay it back.”

“What’s it for?”

I swallow hard. I can’t tell him the whole truth. “Credit card debt and some bills,”I say, my voice small.

He points at me. “This is exactly the reason you never should have dropped out of college.”

I wince at his words. “I finished business school. With honors. I went back to finish my degree when we moved.”

“Not exactly an MBA, though, is it?”

I meet his gaze. It pains me to plead, but I have no choice. It’s this or face the consequences. “Please, Dad. I’ve never asked for anything before. I’ll pay you back.”

He sighs again. “Fine. Is there anything else?”

Wait…That’s it?No argument. No big lecture? Although, his disappointment in me is apparent. He probably just wants me gone quicker so I don’t cause another scene. Looks are everything with my dear old dad. People on this floor can’t go around thinking my dad has a wild daughter who’s out of control. That doesn’t fit his image.

“Uh, okay.”

“There’s one condition,” he states as I take a breath that I wasn’t even aware I was holding.

I pique an eyebrow. “Okay.” I wait for it.

“You come and work for me.”

I try not to gape at him, but the dread washing through me is palpable.

I knew this was coming.

“I can’t,” I stammer. “Not withhimhere.”

“Brian will get promoted at some point, then he won’t be in the same office,” he tells me. “And it’s about time that you got yourself a decent paying job. I heard that you’ve beenwaitressing and doing odd jobs around town instead of using your education.” His face screws up like he smelled something bad, but all I hear is Brian’s going to be promoted.


Is my dad on crack?

I take a deep breath to steel myself.

“I can’t promise anything,” I say, ignoring the waitressing and odd jobs comment. At least he can’t accuse me of being a gold-digging daughter. I’ve never borrowed a cent or asked him for shit. He’s never paid for anything except basic child support when I was younger. Even college was something that he barely chipped in for. I haven’t received any inheritance when I turned twenty-five, since the age he’s set is apparently now thirty-five. Not that I expect to receive a damn cent from him.

“That isn’t good enough, Luna. Promise me you’ll come work for me someday. It doesn’t have to be next week or even next year, but one day I will come calling, and youwilldo as I say.”

Do as I say?

He’s just rotten to the very core. I wish I didn’t need this money, but if I don’t get it…everyone’s lives will be ruined, not just mine.

I shake my head. I don’t care what he says. Not with Brian here.

How he treated my mom after what he did… It’s the reason this pains me so much to be here.

I feel like I’m betraying her.

“Then the deal is off.”
