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We’re both breathing heavily as I step back and Lisa comes into the room as we spring apart.

“Kids?” she says, coming to a halt when she sees us. “Is everything okay?”

“Yeah, Mom,” Luna says quickly. “Thomas was trying to help, but his big fat fingers almost cost you a plate.”

Lisa laughs. “That’s okay, honey. It’s nice to see you two finally getting along.”

I try not to snort. My God. How clueless parents can be.

“Who’s up for some pumpkin pie?”

“That’d be great, Mom,” Luna says.

I give Lisa a tight smile as she goes to check if dad would like pie, too.

“Fat fingers?” I roll my eyes.

“It’s better than saying you have a thick skull and have been hit too many times in the head with a flying football.”

“Very funny.”

“How about you leave me alone to finish this and go pretend to be the perfect son to your dad.”

“Like I’d need to pretend,” I grunt.

She rolls her eyes back at me. “Try hard wannabe.”


She throws the nearest thing, a plastic spatula, and I duck as it flies past me and hits the wall.

“Didn’t know you were violent as well as a liar,” I snark.

“Wouldn’t want to ruin that pretty boy face now, would we?”

Just as I’m about to insult her back, her damn phone rings.

Fergie. “Big Girls Don’t Cry.”

A grin spreads across my face as she fumbles around in her back pocket to shut it off.

I can’t help but laugh.

There is no escaping it now. No freaking way.

“Time to change that ringtone, Lu,” I say, swaggering as I leave. “Big girls may not cry, but they sure as hell pack a mean punch. Though if you wanna hit me next time, aim a little to the left. Your throw’s off.”

I leave her standing there furious as I head to the den, chuckling as I go.

I haven’t seen Luna for at least two weeks. I don’t know if she’s just hiding from me, or purposely avoiding all of the placeswe’d usually run into one another. But even I begin to worry when I don’t see her at her favorite coffee shop.

I debate texting her but, in the end, I know that if I text Lisa about it, she’ll just worry.

Sighing, I pull my phone out before practice and shoot her a message.

You alive?

To my annoyance, she doesn’t answer. She doesn’t even read the text.
