Page 176 of Tag

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“Jas is due back any second.”

I move my hand and lock the door. “So now she’ll have to wait.”

I nip her neck and the chastising words she was about to throw at me, die in her throat.

“You seem edgy.”

“I found Gary.”

She gasps. “What?”

“Let’s just say, he’s gonna learn how to fly.”

“Tag...” She hates me doing anything that might put myself in danger, but she needn’t worry. I’m a big boy. I can fend for myself.

“He terrorized you for a long time. That shit doesn’t fly around here, Lu. You know I live and breathe vengeance.”

“He’s an asshole.”

“Yes he is. What he did to you, it ain’t right. I’m gonna make it right.”

Oh, I’ve plans for good old Gary. In fact. Harlem and I might take him over to the warehouse.

It’s been a while since we’ve spilled blood. Even getting rid of Brian hasn’t satisfied my appetite for revenge, not just yet.

Assholes like Gary shouldn’t be allowed to exist. I can't even begin to fathom Luna's emotions throughout the years. It’s about time he paid.

“You turn me on when you talk like that.”

I smile. “You like the idea of me avengin’ you, don’t you?”

“I like the idea of you being mine, T.”

I push her hair back off her face, my dick pressing into her stomach as she sighs.

“You are mine,” I tell her. “And if anyone fucks with you, they’re gonna die.”

“You’re wasting time talking when we could be…”

Knock. Knock. Knock.

I groan. “Fuck off!”

“Oh, god,” Jas groans through the door. “Are you two…. Never mind… I don’t want to know… just make sure you use the anti-bacterial spray once you’re done.”

“It’s not like that!” Luna yells, trying to push me off.

I’m no match for her, kissing her clavicle as I take my sweet time. “Now. We need to hurry this up. I’ve got shit to do.”

“So romantic,” she sighs, giving up on pushing me away.

I cage her in. “There’s time tonight, when I tie you to the bed.”

She giggles. “You know how to keep a woman interested.”

“Sure do. I’ve got a lot of lost time to make up for.”

“So shut up and kiss me.”

I hover my lips against hers. “I thought you’d never ask.”
