Page 171 of Tag

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The man didn’t even get his cut or t-shirt off. I enjoy admiring his body while he's above me, but we have the entire night and our future to make up for lost time.

“I love you, Tag,” I whisper when his eyes meet mine. “Promise to never leave me for a week again.”

“Don’t plan on it,” he says, pulling out as he dips his eyes to watch his cum spill out of me. “I fuckin’ love you and seein’ you drip like that for me.”

“I think we need to get home.”

“Sweetest words I ever heard.” He grins, pulling up his briefs and jeans as I adjust myself. “But you knew that already, didn’t you?”

I smile, relishing in his touch as he kisses me once more. “I know everything about you, and I love all of it.”

We get lost in our kisses and our hands.

I mean every word.

Now and forever.


I wake to the sound of my phone ringing.

It’s still early, the sun isn’t even up.

When I glance at it, I see Lisa calling.

I scramble to answer. There's a problem if she's calling me at this hour.

“Thomas?” I know straight away it’s bad, and she’s been crying.

“What’s up?”

“It’s your father. He was lifting some wood in the back shed, then he started saying he felt funny… and the doctor’s say he suffered a heart attack.”

The only other time anxiety like this happened to me, was when I couldn't play ball anymore, and again when Luna left town.

A deep shudder runs through me when I ask, “Is he okay?”

She sniffles. “I kept him breathing. I called 911. They restarted his heart.”Oh, fuck.“But he’s in recovery, oh god, T…”

Luna sits up, rubbing her eyes.

“We’ll be there in fifteen minutes.” I hang up.

“Tag? What’s going on?”

“It’s my Dad,” I say, throwing the comforter off as I haul myself out of bed. “Your Mom just rang. He was lifting wood and had a heart attack… he’s in the hospital.”

“Oh, shit!” She dives out of bed and scurries around, finding our strew clothes from earlier. “Is he gonna be okay?”

I tug my jeans on and rummage around in the dark, trying to find my shirt.

“He’s in recovery.”

“Oh, my god.” Luna pulls on her sweats and sneakers.

We’re out the door in a few minutes.

We take my truck and head to the hospital. “Stupid old fool,” I mutter.
