Page 167 of Tag

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“Mom,” I cry, flinging myself into her arms. “It's been incredibly difficult for us, and the thought of telling you has been dreadful. We’ve walked away so many times because of the family dynamic and what you’d both think of us.”

She kisses my hair as she reaches for Tag’s arm, giving him a squeeze. “It doesn’t matter what he thinks. He’ll come around. I just want you to be happy. That’s all I’ve ever wanted.”

“He won’t come around!” I sob.

“And if he doesn’t, that’s his problem.”

“We don’t want this to cause issues with you two,” Tag speaks up. “Now you’re on different pages. He will be insufferable.”

“Don’t you worry about him,” mom says. “I know he rarely shows it, Thomas, but he loves you deeply. Showing affection has never been his strong suit. He wasn't raised that way. But he was so proud of you…”

“Was,”Thomas snorts. “That’s the story of my life.”

She turns to face him. “Heisproud of you and all you’ve achieved. In some ways, you playing in the NFL was him reliving his glory days. That’shisissue, T, not yours. You were not at fault for getting injured and having to retire early. That broke all of us. But he’s a grown man. He needs to live his own life, not through your accomplishments. He has plenty of his own.”

Tag smiles gently, taking in her words. “He’s going to need a shit ton of time.”

“Yes, he is. But we will be a family again, I promise you.” Her words are so soft and gentle that it only makes me cry harder.

“You’re honestly not mad?” I stammer.

“I’d be more mad if you were sneaking around behind our backs and we found out from someone else. Coming here today required great courage. In Terrance’s eyes, you’re his daughter, Luna. He’s been a big part of your life,” she says sagely. “This willbe hard for him to process, but I know in time he will see how much you really love one another.”

“I hope so.”

We sit there for a few minutes.

“I should go find him,” mom says. “We’ve got a lot to talk about.”

“Do you want us to stay?” Tag offers. “Or come back later when he’s cooled off?”

Mom shakes her head. “I think it’s best if we give him some time. Then we can talk about it later. You know what he’s like when he’s like this, and this is just the kind of thing will keep him stewing for a while.”

“We understand it’s a shock,” I say. “But if he doesn’t come around…”

She pats my leg. "Don't worry about any of that." Stressing about it won’t solve anything. He’s a grown man and when he’s had time to grasp what it truly means, I know that he’ll see sense. He’s still Thomas' father, and this affects him. We just have to give him space and time.”

“I respect that,” Tag says, his voice gruff. “We both do.”

I nod as mom wipes my tears with her thumbs. “I’m glad,” she says, giving me a bright smile. “That’s just the thing, Thomas. I always knew you two were perfect for each other.

Again, my mom’s words shock me and I hug her once more.

The biggest obstacle has been conquered, though Terrance's potential rejection and silence is daunting, it is also liberating. Like a weight has been lifted.

This is our time now, and we have to live it for ourselves. Not for anybody else.

As we leave, Tag throws his arm around my shoulders as we walk toward his motorcycle.

“That went better than planned.”

I turn to look up at him. “You have to be joking!”

“What? Dad was to be expected. Your Mom, though? Talk about a dark horse.” He chuckles.

I sigh. I didn’t expect a rose garden, but I don’t like the idea of Tag’s dad being mad at us. The cat’s out of the bag now, so there isn’t much we can do about it. Nor would I want to.

“Yeah, moms reaction was a little unnerving. I just don’t want them to be fighting over us.”
