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“I’m changin’ the rules.”

“We have rules now?”


Oh, this should be good.

“And?” I quirk an eyebrow. “Out with it.”

He comes toward me, pressing his forehead to mine. “No sex until you tell me exactly what he did to you.”

I swallow hard.


He can’t do this to me.

He can’t get involved in family shit.

“And if you tell me any bullshit, Lu, or try to cover it with bitchy snarks, I swear to fuckin’ God, the spanks you get this time will not be for pleasure.”

My breath hitches in my chest.

He’s going to break me.

He’s going to break all of my walls, defenses, everything. And then I’ll have nothing left.

My heart? What a joke. He already has it. He’s always had it.

“I…” I stammer.

He leans back. He’s so fucking close.

“I can’t tell you,” I whisper, rolling my lips.


I look down at my hands folded in my lap. I can’t touch him. I can’t look at him. This is too much.

I’ve never had to speak to anyone like this, not even Payden. But he draws the truth out of me like a moth to a flame. The last thing I want is his pity, but I’m more worried about him going to jail when he finds out what my dad suggested.

“You’ll be really mad.”

He tilts my chin up.

“Please,” I beg him, tears leak down my face. “Please, don’t make me tell you.”

“Listen to me, Luna Marie,” he growls. “There is nothin’ you can say that will change how this is gonna go down. You can either tell me, or I’ll go to your Father’s office and demand that he tell me. That option won’t be pretty. So make a decision. If he’s upset you, I need to know.”

Holy shit, no.

“Why?” I counter, one last ditch attempt at throwing him off can’t hurt. “I’m not your ol’ lady.”

His nostrils flair once more. “Maybe not. But I’m the one you can always come to. No matter what happens.” He holds my chin harder, pinching it between his thumb and forefinger. “No. Matter. What. Happens.”

My lips part. “Why have we never talked like this before?” I whisper. “You’re so closed off all the time… I can never talk to you like this…”

The pain in his eyes shines through as he cups one side of my face. “Because I’ve been a fuckin’ fool.”
