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She speaks to every single cell in my body, and every muscle. Especially the one between my legs.

“I’ll talk to the boys tonight,” I say, giving Cash a chin lift. “Soon, as they’re nestled in the thick of it, we may just get lucky. Or better, we find someone to torture the information out of.”

“I’ll second that,” Harlem agrees.

I don’t like doing anything with luck in the title, as it means we’re not in control. I hate relying on other people to do shit, but this is too vast. We need eyes and ears on the ground everywhere.

Forger and the Devils being so secretive and off the grid makes the whole club uneasy. They fact they’ve had this planned for fuck knows how long means they have underworld figures helping. We know it ain’t the goddamn Irish, if not then the Bratva or another rival club. We don’t have any beef with any other clubs around these parts.

“Long as we get what we need, it doesn’t matter,” Cash says. “Can bury them out in the bayou, along with Razor, for all I care.”

I have no problem killing to keep the club safe. This club and everyone in it mean the world to me. They’re my family. They’re all I’ve got.

I give him a chin lift in appreciation. Prez knows what has to be done ain’t always pretty.

“Let’s get to work,” Cash goes on.

When I go to stand, Cash gives me a nod to stay behind.

When the others are filed out, I stand and lean my hands on the table. “You good, Prez?”

“Rock said you’re dealin’ with Luna’s piece of shit car.”

“It’s sorted out.”

“That why she’s ridin’ around in a brand-new Mercedes?”

I roll my eyes. “Good news travels fast.”

“You know what you’re doin’?”

I swallow hard. “When it comes to women, do any of us ever know what we’re doin’?”

He smirks. “Good point. She’s gonna be movin’ into Jas’s space soon, you good with her bein’ at the club more?”

“I got a choice?”

“Clearly not. Jas needs her. Just know when you two cross paths, sparks fly.”

“I’m sure I can keep a lid on it. I manage to keep all the prospects in line, after all. The trouble with Luna is she’s got a mouth on her. She doesn’t know when to keep it closed.”

Cash chuckles. “Sounds familiar. Keep your wits about you. They creep up on you and get under your skin faster than you can blink. If you don’t wanna get caught, then don’t fuck her around. She’s a good worker and a nice girl. Jas adores her and she keeps us all paid and the club coffers full.”

I give him a look and he stares at me pointedly. “Hail Queen Jas,” I mutter.

“You want a hug, big guy?” Cash taunts. “Look like you need it.”

“No. But why do all the women get all the praise around here? And we get treated like schmucks.”

“Sure you don’t want that hug.”

I wave him off. “Luna isn’t as sweet as she seems,” I tell him.

“Long as she’s not gonna be an issue. If she is, she stays at Rock’s and we get someone else,” Cash goes on.

I can’t do that to Luna. It’s all she’s been going on about for weeks.

She’s looking forward to it.
