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“Gonna be between us?” I ask.

“Only if you want it to be.”

Her words shock me.

I frown. “You wouldn’t care, if people knew…about us?”

“They wouldn’t care if we were fucking, T.”

I give her a look. “You know that’s not what I mean… about the… stepsibling thing.”

“Your brothers love you, T, they wouldn’t give you a hard time. Maybe Nevada and Riot, but you’d just fuck them up so they’d shut their mouths.”

I don’t know why the fuck I’m even bringing this up. “What about your mom and my Dad?”

“We’re getting ahead of ourselves, aren’t we? I thought it was just fucking?”

I purse my lips and press my forehead to hers. “Then why can’t I stop thinking’ about you?”

Her breath hitches in her chest at my words. “You can’t?”

“I’m a pussy boy for admittin’ it,” I say. “But ever since that night at Solo, I haven’t been able to stay away. You got some kinda woo woo shit goin’ on I don’t know about?”

She shakes her head. “Nope. Just pussy.”

I smirk. “Not just that.” I kiss her lips softly. “If this were just about pussy, I wouldn’t be back for seconds or thirds, you know how I work.”

She makes a face. “Yes, I know how youusedto work. Now you don’t bone sweet butts anymore.”

“Lu,” I groan, pressing my body flush against hers.

“I know, T,” she sighs. “I know.”

She runs her hands over my body, and I realize with fascination at how my heart skips a beat at every touch. She loves my body. She loves touching me and squeezing my biceps, ass, and cock.

“So fuckin’ beautiful,” I whisper. She glances up at me, prompting me to ask, “What?”

“You’re…. You can be so sweet,” she murmurs.

I grunt. “Don’t go fuckin’ shoutin’ that shit around.”

My dick prods against her stomach as she looks down. I can’t tear my eyes from her face, though.

I need to feel and see her every reaction.

For the first time in my life, I need to be her everything.

And that is the scariest idea I think I’ve ever had.




Tonight. My place. I’ll send a car.

I stare at the message and wince.
