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I can't stand the distance any longer. I move first, closing in on her until there's nothing but heated air between our bodies. My hands find her waist, light as a whisper, but even this gentle touch seems to ignite something wild and fierce within her.

"Is this okay?" I murmur, seeking permission in the depths of her eyes, because despite everything, I want her to know she's in control.

She nods, a small yet sure movement, and I take it as my cue. My fingers dance along her sides, tracing the lines of her figure through her shirt. She shivers, goosebumps blossoming under my touch like testament to the fire I'm stoking within her. Her breath comes quicker now, each exhale a silent plea for more.

"God, you feel incredible," I growl low, unable to contain the raw edge in my voice. It's all-consuming, this need to explore every curve, to claim every inch of her as territory yet to be discovered. I worship the rise and fall of her chest, the dip of her waist, the flare of her hips—all while fighting the urge to pull her impossibly closer, to erase any remnants of space still lingering between us.

I watch her closely, gauging her reactions, feeding off the heat in her cheeks and the way her eyelids flutter at my touch. This isn't just about possession. It's reverence, an intense craving to know Autumn—to really know her, beyond the surface everyone else sees.

"Tell me if you want to stop," I say, my tone laced with the gravity of what we're teetering on the edge of. But she shakes her head, wordlessly urging me on, and I'm lost to the silent language of her body begging for mine.

I lean in, the distance between us evaporating like morning mist under a relentless sun. My lips crash onto hers, a desperate claim that scorches through my veins, igniting a wildfire. Autumn's breath hitches, stolen by the urgency of our kiss. Our tongues tangle, a perfect rhythm in the chaos of our mingled breaths. She tastes like forbidden fruit—sweet and addictive, the kind that once devoured, leaves you lost to its spell.

"Autumn," I rasp against her mouth, "you're all I've ever wanted."

My hands, no longer content with innocent paths, roam lower with a boldness that thrums powerfully within my chest. Fingers splayed, I cup the softness of her breasts through the thin fabric of her shirt. Her body responds, arching into my touch, an unspoken plea for more. I groan, the sound animalistic, as I mold her flesh, my thumbs brushing over her nipples until they harden beneath my palms.

"Mine," I growl, the word a low vibration against her ear. The possessiveness in my voice is raw, and it feels right, like a truth that's been etched inside me, waiting to be spoken. "You belong to me now, Autumn. I'll never let you go."

Her slight whimper sends shockwaves through me, a mix of vulnerability and desire that beckons me deeper into the abyss. There’s no turning back. I'm consumed, wholly undone by the woman who stands before me, yielding yet strong, mine yet still her own enigma.

The world shrinks to this room, to the electric heat of our bodies pressed together, to the intoxicating power of claiming her as mine. I’m not just taking—I’m giving everything I am, laying bare the darkest corners of my soul for her to see. And with each breathless kiss, each fervent touch, I'm falling, plummeting into depths unknown, tethered only by the fierce need to possess her completely.


My heart slams against my chest, a frenzied beat keeping time with Brennan's possessive declaration. His voice is a dark melody that stirs a tumultuous sea within me—a thrill skittersdown my spine and excitement that pools in the depths of my stomach. I feel alive, every nerve ending awakened by his claim.

"Yours," I whisper back, my own voice barely recognizable to me—breathy, laced with a craving I never knew I had. The word feels like a surrender, but also like a challenge—am I daring him to prove it?

Brennan doesn’t need a second invitation. His hands move to the hem of my shirt, fingers curling beneath the fabric as he lifts it slowly, achingly slow, over my head. The cool air kisses my skin, raising goosebumps in its wake, but his hands are warm, steadying, as if he's memorizing the map of my body with every touch.

His fingertips trace patterns down my arms before returning to explore the expanse of my newly bared shoulders, lingering at the sensitive spots that make my breath catch. It’s a dance of possession, each caress a silent vow, and I can't look away from the intensity in his piercing blue eyes.

"Beautiful," he murmurs, and the word is laden with so much weight, so much heat. It's not just a compliment. It's an affirmation of what I am to him in this moment—something precious, something to be revered.

I shiver as his lips find the column of my neck, leaving a scalding trail of hot kisses that sear straight through to my core. His mouth moves over my collarbone, a contrast of soft and hard, gentle lips and the insistent press of teeth. Every kiss is a brand, a mark of his growing obsession, and I can't deny the rush that comes with being the focus of such singular attention.

"God, Autumn," Brennan groans against my skin, the sound vibrating through me, setting alight a fire that threatens to consume us both. His hands are on the move again, now slipping behind me, deftly unclasping my bra with a flick of his wrists. The garment falls away, and I'm exposed to him, laid bare in a way I've never been before.

He takes a step back, his gaze devouring the sight of me standing vulnerable before him. There's reverence there but also a raw hunger that sends another wave of excitement crashing over me. I’m caught in the storm of his desire, and I don’t want to find shelter. I want to bask in the tempest, let it sweep me off my feet.

As he steps closer once more, our bodies almost touching, I realize I’m not just stripped of my clothes—I’m stripped of all pretense. With Brennan, I can't hide behind my quiet demeanor.

His fingers trace the waistband of my jeans, and I can't help but arch into his touch, betraying the turmoil that rages inside me. My mind is a battlefield of emotion—part of me screaming to push him away, to assert my independence, while another, darker part craves the possessive way he claims me with every look, every touch.

"Autumn," Brennan murmurs, and my name on his lips feels like both a caress and a brand. His hands slide over my hips, guiding me backward until the backs of my knees hit the mattress. We fall together onto the bed, a tangle of limbs and desperate need.

The room spins as he hovers above me, his body a solid weight that pins me to reality. The soft cotton of my sheets contrasts with the hard lines of his muscles, and the juxtaposition sends a shiver down my spine. He's all strength and power, and I'm caught in the gravitational pull of his orbit.

Brennan's blue eyes lock onto mine, fierce with an intensity that sears straight through to my soul. "You're mine," he growls, the words laced with a dark promise that vibrates through my core. In this moment, there's no question—we belong to each other in a way that's primal and undeniable.

Our movements are frenetic, driven by a hunger that's raw and unapologetic. Clothes are discarded without care, each piecea barrier we can't afford between us. I feel the heat of his skin against mine, and it ignites something feral within me.

We move together in a rhythm that's as old as time, our bodies speaking a language that words could never capture. With every thrust, every gasp, we stake our claim, marking each other in ways unseen but felt deep within our bones.

"Autumn," Brennan breathes out again, and it's more than my name—it's a vow, a plea, a declaration. And as I cling to him, lost in the storm of our joining, I know that this is what it means to be truly possessed.

A surge of raw need courses through me, desire pooling in my core as Brennan's hands roam over my body. My skin prickles with each deliberate touch, every stroke lighting fires that consume my inhibitions. His fingers trace contours and valleys, coaxing moans from my lips that echo off the walls of the dimly lit bedroom.
