Page 5 of Wild

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“I see you’ve met Twitch.” Calm fills me as I listen to him speak. His voice is soothing, hypnotic, and it suits him. “He’s the one who found you, and once we got you settled in here, he refused to leave your side.” He kneels beside the bed, rubbing the top of the dog’s head affectionately.

I nod, glancing at the pair of them, looking up at me silently, just watching. Now that a lamp illuminates the room, I look around, taking it in. It’s a tidy room with a few pieces of comfortable looking furniture, done in a pale blue on three walls with what appears to be white shiplap on the other. I think that’s what it’s called. All I know is that a cute couple on TV uses a shit ton of it in every house they remodel.

I see a chaise where large windows meet at the juncture of two walls. I don’t know what lies beyond the panes of glass, but I feel safe here. I continue my perusal, noting a couple of doors I assume lead to a closet and bathroom, a dresser with an old photo in an even older frame, and old, scarred floors stained a beautiful dark red with a dark gray rug under the bed.

“Um… I’m sorry, sir, but who are you?” My voice sounds small and fearful, reflecting my uncertainty. “How did I get here? Whereishere?”

When he stands up, I marvel at his height. I’m still sitting on the bed, but he is tall—towering over me.

“May I?” he asks gently, gesturing toward the bedside. I pull my legs closer toward me and nod. Relief fills me as he sits at the foot of the bed, facing me with one leg on the bed and one foot on the floor. The dog, Twitch, takes the opportunity to jump nimbly on the bed and curl up in front of me with his head resting on my blanket-covered feet.

“You can tell him to get down if you don’t want him on the bed. He’s obedient.” Looking from Twitch’s brown eyes watching me soulfully to the man sitting at the end of my bed, I tentatively reach out a hand, letting him smell my fingers before I lightly rub the top of his head.

“I’ve never been around a dog before,” I admit shyly, continuing to stroke the soft fur under my fingers. Twitch leans into my hand a little, making me giggle quietly. “He’s so sweet.” Moving my fingertips around his head, a deep groan startles me, and I immediately withdraw my hand. “I’m so sorry! Did I hurt him?” I look at the man sitting just a few feet away from me with wide eyes.

“No, princess, he’s enjoying it just as much as you are. See his tail wagging? Twitch groans and wags his tail when he’s happy.” I notice his tail is moving slowly against the bed, and he’s still looking at me expectantly. Cautiously, I put my hand back on his head, running my fingers around, feeling his ears move subtly and scratching under his chin, eliciting yet another groan.

“Now, sweetheart, you asked a couple of questions I haven’t answered yet. I’m Westley Barrett. Most people just call me West. Now, as to where you are, well, generally, you’re in Montana. More specifically, you’re on my ranch. Twitch and I found you earlier today in the hill country. Do you remember how you came to be out here?”

“Montana…” I sighed as images came flooding back. Oh, god, it wasn’t a dream.

My eyes close as I contemplate my new reality. My parents actually tried to marry me off as a business opportunity. I did actually run away from home and got lost in the middle of nowhere. I’m here—wherever that is—with West… No. Mr. Barrett. He doesn’t seem like a serial killer, but one can never be too careful.Stranger dangerand all that.

A groan escapes my lips, and Twitch nudges my hand with his head, wriggling to get closer to me. Now, I understand why people get pets.

“Can you tell me your name, princess?” I want to look anywhere but at him, but his eyes pin me in place, sending an unfamiliar heat rushing through my body. “Do you remember your name?”

“Y-yes,” I say slowly, realizing I cannot give this man my real name. Annabeth Russo can never exist again if I’m going to avoid becoming Mrs. Gerald Summerville. “I-”I really should’ve given this more thought while I was contemplating my demise on the open plains.“I’m Quinn. Smith.”

I cringe internally as soon as the name escapes my lips.Smith.Why notDoe?

His lips quirk up in a small smile, and I know he doesn’t believe me. “Nice to meet you, Quinn Smith.” His hand moves toward me slowly, hovering over Twitch’s body, waiting for me to make the next move. “Welcome to the Diamond G Bar Ranch.”

Before I can respond, there’s a knock on the open door, and Twitch’s head swivels to take in the newcomer. “Mr. West, Doc Stone is here to check the girl over.”

Her eyes move to meet mine, and she smiles warmly. “Hi, love. I’m Simona. What’s your name?”

“Uh… Quinn,” I say quietly, wondering if I look like aQuinn.

Without acknowledging my response, she steps into the room, her hands clasped over her apron. “You gave us all quite a scare earlier. I’m sure you must be starving. How about a big bowl of pot roast and gravy when Doc is done checkin’ you over? You could certainly do with some meat on your bones.”

I look over at West, not sure if he means for me to stay once the doctor releases me, hoping he won’t insist I leave before I can come up with a plan. I breathe a sigh of relief when he nods slightly, a smile transforming his already handsome face into something exquisite.

“You’re safe here, princess,” he says, and I hear Simona’s quiet intake of breath. Out of the corner of my eye, I see her draw a hand up to her chest, turning away as West rises from the bed.

I watch him back slowly toward the open door, his eyes never leaving mine. He bumps into the wall, scooting sideways to move through the doorway. His strong lips purse, and Twitch shoots off the bed like a rocket when a short, loud whistle rings out.

“I’ll just be downstairs if you need me, princess,” he says, turning and walking away with Twitch on his heels.

Holy shit.My boys are going to lose their minds when they see her. There are plenty of good-looking girls in the surrounding towns, and my boys always draw the attention of the prettiest of the bunch, but she blows them all out of the water. I’m going to spend my days beating them off with a stick, just so she can have a moment of peace.

Simona walks toward the kitchen, and I follow her slowly, looking back over my shoulder every few steps, my ear trained for Quinn calling out for me. Twitch seems to have the same idea. He stops at the bottom of the stairs and lays down, watching the upper landing, barely sparing me a glance when I try to coax him into the kitchen with the promise of scraps.

Simona busies herself grabbing ingredients from every corner of the kitchen while mumbling under her breath. Full of nervous energy I haven’t felt in years, I immediately start pacing the room, hating the idea of being away from Quinn and nervous that Doc is going to find something that can't be treated here.I’ve just met her, but I already can't stand the thought of her walking out my door and out of my life.

I don't know how old Quinn is—I'd be surprised if she were more than twenty—nearly my fucking sons’ ages, for Christ’s sake. I'm a dirty old man for even thinking about her in any way other than paternal.I could be her Daddy.I shake my head, trying to dislodge the all-too-appealing thought.

Despite that inconvenient conviction, I can't stop thinking about the way she looked up at me, so vulnerable and trusting. Her shallow intakes of breath had nothing to do with her previous unconscious state. I haven't been with a woman in quite some time, but surely the cues of attraction haven't changed that much.

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