Page 88 of Hooks In

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“I like your thinking.” I sit across from him, and Noah’s gaze travels to the cut over my eye.

“So,” he shifts uncomfortably in his seat, “I’ve been wanting to ask you about the tournament, but I don’t want to-”

I cut him off with a wave of my hand. “Water under the road.”

“Bridge?” he asks with a furrowed brow.

“Yeah, that too.” I shrug. “It’s all good. It’s dealt with. And,” I smile, “my scores showed a whole lot of guard passes so I’m happy with that.”

Noah beams at me, holding his coffee cup up in a cheers motion. “That’s the spirit.”

I cheers him back, and we chat about the opponents we faced in the tournament, and what we’re hoping to tackle next in training.

As everyone starts to trickle in, my eyes are flying to the door every time I hear voices or footsteps. Everyone joins us at the kitchen table as they arrive, while we take the time to catch up before getting started on training.

Eventually, I hear the front door to the gym close, and my heart does a little pitter-patter. There’s only one person who hasn’t arrived yet.

I make eye contact with Ty as he walks past the kitchen, and tilt my head in a gesture for him to come in.

He pauses, glancing around the table at everyone.

“Hey, Ty!” Elijah calls to him.

“Oh hey! Didn’t hear you come in.” Rosa smiles at him.

No one asks him to come in and join us, and I know that’s because they don’t want to put that pressure on him. Which makes my heart kind of happy in a weird way.

But also, fuck that. I’ll do it.

I pull out the chair beside me, keeping eye contact with him, and tap the seat.

He shoots daggers at me, and I can feel everyone watching us.

But I just cock an eyebrow, waiting for him to make his move.

And as Ty takes a hesitant step into the kitchen, I smile and bite my tongue on the many quips I could unleash on him right now.

He sits in the chair beside me, and Rosa places a cup of coffee in front of him. “Milk, sugar?”

“Black,” I say with a smirk, and take a drink of my coffee.

Rosa eyes me and then looks to Ty.

He picks up the mug, murmuring, “Yeah, black.”

“Ok, so what-” Adão starts, gesturing between us, but Max comes into the kitchen, cutting him off.

“Good, you’re all here.” He pulls out a chair and sits. “I have some news.” He smiles around at us as we all look back at him, waiting. “Legacy Fighting Alliance is having an event in Las Vegas in the spring. And I want you all to apply.”

Ty’s head whips towards Max and my jaw drops.

“Ohhh, fuck yeah.” Seb rubs his hands together. “Here we go!”

Max chuckles. “This is going to help you all gain the attention of UFC officials. And my hope is that if we can get you all in for this event, and it goes well, some of you may be in a position to apply for the UFC next year.”

“Fuck,” I mutter, staring at Max.

He nods with a light laugh. “Fuck indeed.”

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