Page 36 of Hooks In

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All that bullshit about me checking him out, and that I’ll change my mind. His lips close to mine, my hands on his chest…

The disappointment I felt when I pushed him away.

The way he made me feel like he actually wants something from me. Like he wants to be close to me, to touch me…

My eyes fall to his chest as he breathes deeply, and I take a deep breath as well.

“Do you want to work through that again?”

I snap my gaze back up to meet his. “What?”

“The takedown,” he says, his eyes flicking back and forth between mine.

I swallow, and nod, trying to gain some fucking composure again. “Yeah.”

As we stand up, I give my head a shake.

Get back in it. Focus. Pay attention. Forget him.

Luca holds his fist out and I tap it, going over the steps in my head for the takedown and preparing to get it right this time. I can’t fuck this up again.

I stay in front of him, placing my foot before his and dropping him before me. This time, I stay low so when he tries to roll me through, I don’t move.

I pause as he stops fighting, and is looking up at me with a smile.

“Feel better from a good drill?”

I just stare back at him, not willing to give in to his games.

“One of these days, Ty…” he says softly, “you’re going to have to just let go. Feel something, and realize you don’t always need to be in complete control.”

A mix of anger, nerves and curiosity rolls through me, and I press my hands down on him harder. “Feel what?”

Luca quickly reaches up to grab my arm and rolls me, swinging his leg over my hips to straddle me. He places his hand over my throat, gently wrapping his fingers around it. And for some reason, I let him.

“Feel the fight,” he says, his eyes on his hand as he tightens his grip. “Why does that make you so angry? To be told you don’t have control?”

I raise my hands to push him off me as the anger continues to rise, but he presses down on me harder, gripping my throat tighter.

“Maybe you need to feel something that actually brings you… pleasure,” he says in a low voice, leaning closer to me. “When was the last time you really lost yourself to pleasure, Tiger?”

My heart is pounding and my breathing is heavy as I look up into his eyes.

He leans in even closer, his nose brushing against mine. “Let go, Ty,” he whispers. “Try it.”

The next thing I know, his lips are on mine, and he’s tilting my chin up with his hand still wrapped around my throat. His tongue pushes past my lips, and I can barely keep up with my own actions as my hands grip his elbows, my lips part, and my tongue slides against his. It’s like I lost all control of my body as it moves on its own, taking from him and giving a piece of myself. I’m vaguely aware of the thoughts that are dancing along the periphery of my mind, telling me this is a bad idea. Reminding me that I’m with the guy I hate. But I can’t seem to listen to them, and they slowly fade away.

And as Luca rocks his hips against mine, I let go.

My muscles seem to unlock, allowing me to move with him, to feel the pleasure he is giving me. And my guard drops. An unfamiliar ease washes over me as I lose that need to protect myself, and I allow this to just happen.

Luca reaches a hand between us and shoves it down my shorts, grasping my hardening cock. A thrill rushes through me, and rather than pushing him away, I pull him into me tighter and kiss him deeper. Warmth radiates throughout my body as his hand strokes my cock and a groan escapes me.

As Luca pulls his lips from mine, I drop my head back on the mat. The feeling of his hand on my dick, and his lips traveling down my neck and chest, is pulling the tension from me, filling me with a sense of contentment instead. He moves quickly as he travels down my body, his hands roaming until he gets to my shorts. He pulls them open, and immediately wraps his lips around my cock.

“Fuck,” I grunt as he sucks me, and my hand grips his hair tight.

I squeeze my eyes shut tight, the war within me rising again to potentially stop this. But I don’t. The overwhelming pleasure from his hot mouth on my cock and his hands trailing up my legs and stomach feel oddly right, and his words continue to echo in my mind. “Let go. Try it.”

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