Page 17 of Hooks In

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Seb and Rosa share a glance.

“What?” I say, mouth full.

“I just don’t understand the hate.” Rosa shrugs. “You’re both nice guys and-”

“You think he’s nice?” I almost spit my food across the table.

They both nod.

I swallow and stare back at them. “The fuck?”

“I mean, he’s quiet, but he seems like he has a… gentle soul,” Rosa says thoughtfully.

“Gentle soul?” I say with a scoff.

She nods with a light chuckle. “Yeah, he’s quite withdrawn, but the broody ones are always nice underneath it all. I don’t know, I just sense it.” She picks up her drink and eyes me over the top of it. “And I’m never wrong about these things.”

“I’d say you’re wrong on this one.” I nod seriously. “Trust me, I’ve seen his true colors.”

Seb leans back in his chair. “Have you?”

“Yeah,” I shoot him a look, “I’ve fought him for years. He hates me, and he’s shown it.” I move to pick up a fry but quickly raise my hand to point a finger at both of them. “And you’ll see it too. I mean, fuck, you saw tonight how he doesn’t even care about any of this. I tap and he just stands there like it means nothing. He doesn’t speak to anyone, he’s just always angry and, like seriously… who doesn’t celebrate a win? That’s just fucked.”

Seb nods slowly with a small smile tugging at his lips.

“What.” My eyes narrow in his direction.

He shrugs one shoulder and picks up his burger. “You invited him out tonight.”

I scoff again and wave him off. “I knew he’d say no, I just like fucking with him.”

Rosa shakes her head at me. “I really do think there’s more to him. I hope he opens up soon.”

The waitress comes to refill our drinks, and I hold back on any more snarky remarks about Ty. But even as Seb and Rosa start talking about some movie they want to see, I’m still seething.

Honestly, I have no idea why I invited him out tonight. But regardless of why, I’m especially glad he didn’t come after telling me I had it so easy. The fucker doesn’t know the first thing about me. I’ve worked my ass off to get here, and he’s going to diminish my hard work by saying it just comes easily? Like he’s one to fucking talk. He barely acknowledges anyone in the gym, and apparently they all think he’s nice. So, seems like some things come pretty fucking easy to him.

I sigh and take a bite of my burger, trying to listen to Rosa and Seb as they discuss this movie and some actor I’ve never heard of. But my mind keeps wandering, thinking about what Rosa said.

Maybe there is more to Ty.

And why do I want to know what that is?

“Alright, line up!” I blow my whistle, and the kids run to the gym door to line up for lunch.

“Bye, Mr. Mitchell!” One of the kids waves to me as they head out and I smile, waving back. This has been a fun morning, and I really like this school. I didn’t plan on taking any jobs during my first week in St. Louis, but since it’s Friday and no one will be in the gym until later, I figured why not. And I’m glad I did, because we played floor hockey, and it’s been a blast. Who says teachers can’t join in?

As the kids head off, I tidy up the gym so it’s ready for the next class after lunch, then head towards the staff room. But as I reach the staff room door, I hear someone calling my name from down the hall. I turn around in confusion, as I don’t know anyone here, and see a guy about my age running up the hall with a big smile.

“Hey,” he says, stopping before me, still smiling and out of breath. He taps his chest. “Dan Fletcher. I teach grade two.”

“Hey.” I smile and hold out my hand, which he shakes. “Luca Mitchell… which apparently you already know.”

He nods with a laugh. “Yeah, sorry. I’m the only male teacher in this school, believe it or not. I got a little too excited when I saw we had another guy subbing Phys. Ed. today who isn’t sixty years old.”

I laugh as well. “Are they often sixty years old?”

Dan winces with a nod. “Most of our subs are retired teachers just picking up some hours here and there.”

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