Page 115 of Hooks In

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He taps his gloves together with a slight smile, and heads to the ring.

As I turn to grab my gloves from the locker, I catch sight of everyone staring at us.

Rosa smiles and clasps her hands under her chin. “I just love this so much.”


“Then I’d do this.” Luca bounces on his toes as he shadowboxes the air in front of me.

“Be fucking serious.” I smack his hand away from my face. We’re just days away from the fight now, and I’m ready to get some fucking work done here.

“I’m with Ty on this one,” Max says from the side of the cage. “It may be light sparring, but we have work to do.”

Luca opens his hands wide in exasperation. “I am being serious! I’m channeling my best Josh Hannah.”

“Josh Hens,” I correct him.

“Same thing.” He shrugs.

“Ok, let’s go. And guys,” Max brings our attention to him, “no hard strikes. Light sparring.”

We both agree, tap our gloves, and get started.

And it’s fucking hard.

Not because I want to hit him. I mean, I do, because he’s being extra annoying as he channels his best Josh Hens by dancing around me and laying cheap shots.

I shouldn’t have let him watch his fight videos with me…

It’s hard because, as always, the week leading up to a fight is the worst part of it all. I can’t train with the intensity and duration I need to stay in my routine and remain focused. With the fight in just a couple days, I’ve tapered my workouts to light cardio and shadowboxing, and it isn’t enough.

Yet, as I look into the eyes of my sparring partner, a new realization hits me. It’s actually been easier this time.

“Good, Ty, stay ahead,” Max calls to me as I position myself just in time to block Luca’s kick with my forearms.

Luca challenges me, as usual, with his speed. And even though this is a light spar, it feels different than any other time we’ve been in the cage together. I feel confident in the skills I’ve gained and fine-tuned since coming here and working with Max… and Luca.

We spar without hate, and with a focus on fine tuning techniques and supporting each other. And even though it’s an odd feeling to know this preparation isn’t leading up to a fight against him… I’m thankful for that.

As I get Luca to the ground, I am also recognizing how much more controlled and calculated he is. He keeps me on my defense for a while, and I’m surprised by how much has changed for us.

Both in and out of the cage.

But eventually, I get him into an armbar, and he taps.

He pushes up onto his knees, and I expect to see anger in his eyes. But he just smiles. “You and your fucking armbars.”

I huff out a light laugh and get to my feet.

“Good, guys.” Max says and opens the cage door. “All done for today. Go home, rest up.”

“Looking good,” Adão says with a smile as we exit the cage. “I see some wins in our futures.”

“Fucking right.” Luca beams between us as we head into the locker room.

Everyone is trickling in after completing their workouts, wrapping up early as we leave in the morning for Nashville.

“So, have we decided who is driving tomorrow?” Rosa asks, looking around at all of us.

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