Page 101 of Hooks In

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When everyone is talking about what game to play next, I head into the kitchen to set my empty mug in the sink. Then I duck out onto the small balcony just off the kitchen.

I take in a deep breath of the cold air and look out over the city. The quiet and stillness settles, as I let calm wash over me.

I can do this.

Just as I turn to head back inside, the door opens, and Luca pushes me back onto the balcony.

He holds up a mug of apple cider for me and sips his own. “This is fucking delicious. I think this is, like, my eighth.”

I take the mug, eyeing him as he closes the door behind him and leans against the railing, looking up at the stars.

My eyes stay on him for a moment longer, before I rest my elbows on the railing beside him, also looking up.

“I’m going home for Christmas next week,” he says.

I nod. “Figured.”

“I don’t want to.”

I turn my head to him, and he sighs.

“I want to see my sisters. But that’s it. My parents already have my time filled with parties, appearances and apparently, my mom is trying to set up an interview for a job at the school I went to.”

My heart lurches at that thought, and I grip my mug tighter. Even though I know he won’t do it.

“It’s fucked,” he murmurs, shaking his head as he looks out over the city.

“Can you just tell them no?” I ask, surprised by the sadness seeping out of him.

“I do.” He looks down into his mug. “They don’t listen.”

I nod slowly, letting my eyes travel over his arms full of random tattoos. “So you just do what you want.”

He turns his head to me and smiles. “So I just do what I want.”

I give him a soft smile back, and his eyes immediately drop to my lips.

When his eyes lift again, there’s some uncertainty in them. “Are… you going home?”

I shake my head, turning back to look down at the cars on the busy street below us. “No.”

We’re both silent for a bit, until I feel the urge to share more.

“My brother called.”

He turns to look at me.

“I didn’t answer.” I sigh. “I haven’t spoken to him in almost a year now. But he still tries to call every few months.”

“From prison?” he asks.

I nod. “Probably just wants money.”

“And… you have no idea where your parents are?”

I look at him, and his eyes are filled with so much concern. I’m not sure why. I’ve already told him this, and it’s not a big deal.

“I never met my dad, and I would assume my mom is high in a crack house somewhere.” I shrug. “I would think I’d be notified if she was dead, but who knows.”

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