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I picked up the paddle and laid into her ass, bringing it down with a medium intensity. Harder than a warmup, but not as hard as it would become.


Her cries with each stroke were not from the pain. She didn’t flinch or dance on her toes on the stool’s rungs. Her bottom reached for that paddle and for the redemption she so desperately needed.

“That’s my girl, let it all out.”

After twenty with the paddle, I helped her down from the stool and placed her in the corner, near the fireplace for warmth. Her body would be going through a lot and it was up to me to ensure that happened in a way that showed my support. Break her down and build her up. That was my job as a Dom and Daddy, as a man who loved her deeply. It was also my job to show her the love she’d been lacking for far too long.

I handed her several tissues as she wiped and blew her nose before sticking it in the corner. Leaving her to mull over her transgressions, I grabbed two glasses of water from the kitchen. One I downed and the other I took to her.

“Drink all of this, little one.”

She pulled her nose away and, taking the glass from my hand, she downed the water before sticking her nose back inplace. I loved seeing the two pink circles about four inches in diameter decorating her bottom.

“Ronnie, it is time for round two. Please lay over the arm of the couch and rest your elbows on the cushion.”

When she turned around, I saw two similar circles on her pretty face. A true mark of shame and regret confirming for me we were on the right path at last.

Because she was tiny, having her bottom raised meant her feet dangled a good foot off the floor. This was intentional, as it would heighten the feeling of no control.

Standing back a few feet, I measured the distance, aiming the leather strap at the meatiest portion of her bottom. This session would test her endurance, as the leather crossing over the tenderized muscles from the paddle would create a sting and throbbing. In a play session, this would increase the warmth in all the right places, but in punishment, this would leave a searing aftereffect.

I brought the strap down, the zing of it moving through the air her only signal before the sharpsnapas it landed on her bottom.




Down her backside I went until I arrived at her sit spot. I had not spanked that, as the area was more tender than the meatier part of her cheeks.


“Dadddeeee! Nooooo!” Her legs churned the empty air as she struggled to process the new sensation. I brought the strap down several more times until she was blubbering and making promises of being good that not even an angel could keep. We were at the desperation stage. The part where every penitent would do or say anything to make it stop. As much as this testedtheir resolve, very few ever called out their safeword. Deep down, they knew it was consensual, that this was what they’d signed up for.

I painted her thighs with the strap before moving it back up to the now tenderized sit spot.


Snapthe leather sounded as it continued to paint her bottom red. On her twentieth stroke, I placed it down. “Good girl,” I cooed. “Back to the corner with you, little one.” I helped Ronnie to stand and walked her to the corner. Once she was in place, I went back to the kitchen to refill her glass and grab a piece of chocolate.

After she drank, blew her nose and wiped her tears, I left her to recover. Standing back, I admired her backside. The pink had now morphed to red and was almost as shiny as a polished apple.

Her bottom was swelling and would be painful to sit on for the next few days, which is why I’d wanted to wait until after the wedding, to have no issues during the actual ceremony. Yet here we were.

“Okay, darlin, time to come back for your last spanking.” I sat on the couch and pulled her over my lap, and forward so her bottom was directly on top of my thighs, and her legs dangled in the air. I swept one of my legs over both of hers and laid the Lexan paddle on her hot bottom.

“Ronnie, you will receive eight strokes, one for each of the lives you put in danger last night, plus one for yourself, and then your punishment will be over.”

“Yes, Daddy.”

Ronnie lay exhausted from fighting the inevitable. Now the time to surrender was upon us and I planned on making those eight strokes so memorable she’d never pull a stunt like that again.

“Place your hands on your back.”

I grasped both her wrists in my free hand. Now she was snug and there was no way she’d be getting out of my hold.

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