Page 6 of Silent House

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"Why'd they move back?"

"The husband, Roy Hubbard, works for a tech company that recently opened a branch in Salt Lake City.They wanted to be closer to family and have a more affordable cost of living."

Sheila nodded, taking in the information."Do we have any leads?"

"Nothing concrete yet, but we do have a couple of witnesses who saw some suspicious activity in the area the night before the bodies were found.We're also looking into the family's background, trying to see if there's any connection to someone who might have wanted to harm them."

"You said they moved back here," Sheila said."They have a history in Coldwater, then?"

Finn nodded."Yeah, Roy's family has been in the area for generations.They used to run a cattle ranch outside of town.As far as I know, there hasn't been any bad blood or anything like that, but we're still looking into it."

"Who are the rest of the family?What are their names?"

"The mom's name was Jane.Taught math at a nearby high school.Kids were Max and Lily.Good grades, popular in school, active in extracurricular activities.Nothing that makes them stand out as targets for a murderer."

Sheila's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions as they drove, her heart aching for the family that had been so brutally ripped apart.She knew she needed to stay focused and clear-headed if she was going to be of any help with this case, but every time she thought about those four bodies hanging lifelessly in the graveyard, she felt a cold shiver run down her spine.

"The bodies have been taken down," Finn continued, as if reading her mind, "so you won't have to see them like that, but the crime scene is still pretty much untouched."

"Thank God," Sheila whispered, relief washing over her at the thought of not having to see the gruesome sight of the Hubbards hanging from a tree in the graveyard.

The car fell silent as they continued driving, the passing scenery a stark contrast to the heavy atmosphere inside the vehicle.Quaint, well-kept houses lined the streets, their front yards filled with colorful flowers and neatly trimmed hedges.Children played on sidewalks while their parents watched from porches, sipping iced tea.It was a picture-perfect small-town scene, marred only by the knowledge of the horror that had occurred within its boundaries.

Sheila's thoughts kept circling back to Natalie, who had been so uncharacteristically absent from this case.She glanced at her phone, biting her lip in worry before finally deciding to try calling her sister.

Come on, Nat,she thought.Pick up.

The call rang and rang, but there was no answer.Frowning, she hung up and quickly typed out a text message instead.

Hey Nat, just checking in on you.Everything okay?Call me when you can.Love you.

She hit send and stared at her phone for a moment, willing it to buzz with a response.When none came, she sighed and tucked the device back into her pocket, her concern growing with each passing minute.

"Everything alright?"Finn asked, his eyes briefly flickering to Sheila before returning to the road.

"Yeah," she lied, forcing a smile."Just checking on my sister.You know how it is."

Finn nodded, though Sheila could tell he didn't quite believe her.But she couldn't bring herself to voice her growing fears, not when they were already dealing with the weight of a quadruple homicide on their shoulders.For now, she would have to put her concern for Natalie aside and focus on the task at hand—finding justice for the Hubbard family.

A few moments later, the crime scene came into view, a small graveyard nestled between rolling hills and the dense foliage of Coldwater's countryside.Despite its peaceful surroundings, an eerie chill settled over Sheila as she took in the yellow police tape cordoning off the area.Her heart began to pound in her chest as she mentally prepared herself for whatever was in store.

"Ready?"Finn asked, his voice low and steady.

Sheila swallowed hard, nodding."As I'll ever be."

Finn pulled the car over and parked it, both of them stepping out onto the gravel road that led to the cemetery.The crunch of stones underfoot seemed unnaturally loud in the silence that enveloped them.With each step, Sheila braced herself, uncertain what to expect.

"The woman who found the bodies was fleeing from a stalker," Finn said, "so there's some contamination to the scene.But if we can isolate the footprints, rule out the ones we know aren't relevant…" He paused, his eyes grave."We might just be able to find the killer's."


"Why would the killer choose this particular place to leave the bodies?"Sheila wondered aloud.

She was standing at the edge of the graveyard, hands on her hips, studying the scene before her.The early morning air was chilly, and a soft fog swirled around the headstones, giving the place an eerie atmosphere.

"Maybe because it's close to where the Hubbards lived," Finn suggested, his breath visible in the cold air.He looked around, taking in the somber setting, his face etched with concern.

"Convenient, maybe," Sheila replied, "but wouldn't it have been even more convenient to just leave the bodies wherever he attacked them?"She shook her head, her mind working through every detail, trying to piece together the puzzle that lay before her.
