Page 47 of Silent House

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Ben's eyes narrowed, and for a moment Sheila thought he was going to lash out.But instead, he let out a deep, guttural laugh that made the hairs on the back of Sheila's neck stand up.

"You really think that, don't you?"he said, shaking his head."That there's always a way out?That we can just talk and everything will be okay?"

Sheila remained silent, her heart pounding in her chest.

"Well, let me tell you something, sweetheart," Ben said, stepping closer to her."There's no way out of this.Not for you, not for that girl, not for anyone.The only way out is through me."

Sheila swallowed hard, trying to keep her fear at bay."What do you want, Ben?Money?A way out of the country?We can help you."

Ben's eyes darted around the room, as if considering her offer.Sheila saw a glimmer of hope in the girl's eyes, and she knew she had to keep pushing.

"We can make this right, Ben.You don't have to hurt anyone else.Just let the girl go and we'll work something out."

For a moment, Sheila thought Ben might actually consider it.But then his expression darkened, and he raised the hammer above his head.

"I'll tell you what I want," he said, his voice low and menacing."I want you to feel the same pain I felt all those years ago.The pain of being an outcast, a reject.And then, when you're begging for mercy, maybe then I'll let you go."

He took a threatening step forward.At the same time, there was a loud commotion in the hallway.They both turned toward the sound just as the door flew open, revealing the girl's frantic mother and brother.The boy's face was red with rage, his fists clenched, ready to lunge at Ben.His mother strained to hold him back, pleading with him to stay still.

"Get away from my sister!"the teenage brother roared, struggling against his mother's grip.

"Back off!"Ben shouted, his face contorting into a snarl.He raised the hammer, positioning it so it hovered dangerously close to the girl's head."I swear, I'll kill her!"

Wasting no time, Sheila seized the opportunity to slam the door shut, muffling the cries of the mother and brother outside.The boy pounded on the door, his voice hysterical."Let me in!Let my sister go!"

The lock on the door had been busted when Ben shouldered his way in, so instead Sheila grabbed a nearby chair, shoving it beneath the door knob to keep the door from moving.The door rattled when the teenager struck it, but the chair held firm.

It's not a perfect solution, but it will do for now.The last thing we need is to escalate the situation.

Satisfied that nobody else would come rushing in, Sheila turned her attention back on Ben.She studied his tense expression.His eyes were filled with a wild desperation, and it was clear to Sheila that for all Ben's determination to seize control and dictated what happened, he understood in the depths of his mind that he was absolutely not in control.He had never been in control, and it was obvious to Sheila that he would do anything to change that.

Get him talking.Let him dictate the narrative and get his message out.

Taking a deep breath, she softened her voice and asked, "Why are you doing this, Ben?There has to be a reason for all of this pain you're causing."

Ben's eyes narrowed."You've probably had a perfect life—well, a life much better than mine, anyway.You don't know what it's like to walk an inch in my shoes, never mind a mile."

"So tell me what it's like.Explain it to me."

Ben's grip on the hammer faltered momentarily, and his gaze flickered between Sheila and the girl."You wouldn't understand," he muttered."Nobody ever does."

"Try me," Sheila said, her heart racing as she calculated how much time they might have before backup arrived.She decided to take a guess."Is it about what happened at Mildred Heights?"

Ben snorted."That sorry excuse for a school.You have any idea what it was like helping my deadbeat father clean up after all those prissy kids?I saw their pretty faces, their loving families, and all I had washim—my pathetic excuse for a father who couldn't even hold down a decent job."He grunted."How's that for fair?"

As Ben spoke, years of bitterness and frustration poured from him, his words laced with pain.Sheila listened intently, searching for a way to connect with him.

"It must have been really difficult for you, feeling like an outsider in your own school," she said."Is that why you've been targeting these families?Because they had what you wanted?"

"Yes!"Ben snarled, his face contorting with resentment."They looked down on me, acting like they were so much better than me just because their lives were better.At first, I just wanted to be them.I dreamed about what it would be like and how easy life would be.But then…"

He paused, his jaw clenching."I grew to hate them.They had it all, and they didn't even appreciate it.They were just…"


"Yes!"His eyes flashed with anger."Like they'd earned it, when really it was just luck—stupid, blind luck.I didn't get to choose what family I was born into, and neither did they.But because of some random roll of the dice, they had everything while I got nothing.They were practically born into happiness, but I was born into misery."

Sheila nodded, her mind racing as she tried to buy more time."I can see how that would make you feel angry, Ben.But hurting innocent people won't change your past or make you feel any better.We can find another way."
