Page 15 of Silent House

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"Damn it," she muttered under her breath, feeling the weight of desperation bearing down on her.

"I didn't find the combination," Finn called out as he stepped onto the porch, his voice tinged with disappointment."But I think we should take that beer can to the lab, see if there's any DNA on it."

Sheila was about to agree when something caught her eye—a small card trapped in one of the bushes.Her heart skipped a beat as she reached out and carefully extracted it, feeling a sudden surge of hope.It was a business card for a fumigator.

She held it up for Finn to see."What are the chances the killer accidentally left this behind?"


Sheila clutched the business card in her hand as she pulled into the parking lot of Aegis Exterminators, Finn Mercer riding shotgun.The sun cast a warm glow over the small, worn building, hinting at the day's potential.

It makes sense that the killer could be an exterminator,she thought.Someone in that line of work would certainly have an excuse to enter homes, only to return later with sinister intentions.

Was that how the killer had come into contact with the Hubbards?He'd serviced their home and determined they would make easy victims?

"Doesn't look like much," Finn said, scanning the modest exterior of Aegis Exterminators.Weeds sprouted through cracks in the pavement, and a faded sign swung gently in the breeze, the company's logo peeling at the edges.It was mid-morning, and though the sky was clear, there was a crispness to the air that reminded Sheila of autumn mornings spent training for kickboxing competitions.Coldwater had always been a small town, and even a business like this seemed to struggle against obscurity.

Finn glanced over at her, his eyes serious but kind."You ready for this?"

"Ready as I'll ever be."She opened her door and stepped out.The day was quiet, and Sheila heard nothing but the distant rumble of a stereo as she and Finn approached the building.

The door creaked as Sheila and Finn entered the small office, its dim lighting casting shadows on the walls adorned with framed certificates and faded pest control posters.The musty scent of paper and chemicals clung to the air, making Sheila wrinkle her nose in distaste.This place felt like it had secrets hidden beneath its worn veneer.

"May I help you?"a voice asked, breaking their concentration.A woman sat behind a cluttered desk, her graying hair pulled back into a tight bun.Her eyes, sharp and calculating, seemed to size them up instantly.She wore a simple white blouse and black skirt, her hands folded neatly on the desk in front of her.A nameplate on her computer identified her as Esther Woodrow.

"Hello," Sheila said, stepping forward confidently."My name is Sheila Stone, and this is Officer Finn Mercer.We're investigating a case, and we found this business card at the scene."She handed Esther the card she'd picked up at the Hubbards' house."We need to know who was assigned to fumigate their home."

Esther took the card carefully, her eyes scanning the information printed on it."A case?"she asked."What kind of case?"

"A very serious kind," Finn said."I'm afraid we can't go into detail just now."

Esther looked up at the pair, her expression unreadable."I see," she murmured, her fingers tapping lightly against the card."Give me a moment, please."

As Esther turned to her computer and began typing, Sheila couldn't help but study the room further.It screamed of a company clinging to a past long gone, struggling to keep up with the times.A pang of sadness struck her—how many small businesses had met their end in this unforgiving world?

"Ms.Stone," Esther's voice cut through Sheila's thoughts, pulling her attention back to the present."I'm afraid I don't have any records of an appointment for the Hubbards.Are you sure they used our services?"

Sheila exchanged a quick glance with Finn before answering."We found the card at their house."

"That doesn't mean anyone was there.It's possible someone picked up the card elsewhere – maybe at a gas station or a grocery store – and dropped it there."

Sheila felt a twinge of disappointment.Had they hit a dead end already?"Is there any way to check if someone from your company was at their house?"

Esther shook her head."Our records only show scheduled appointments, not unscheduled ones.I'm sorry I can't be of more help."

"Can you check whether any of your employees were in the area of a certain property last night?Do you have employee logs?"

Esther hesitated, her fingers hovering above the keyboard."Look, I appreciate you're just trying to do your job," she began slowly, "but we have a policy of not sharing client details unless it's absolutely necessary.Some people are embarrassed about needing our services, and we try to respect their privacy."

Sheila clenched her jaw in frustration, but before she could respond, Finn stepped in.

"Ms.Woodrow," he said firmly, "this isn't a typical inquiry.A family was murdered, and we believe the person responsible may have been in their home under the guise of your company's services.You can help us catch their killer."

Esther's eyes widened in shock, her face paling as the gravity of the situation sank in."Oh my God, I...I had no idea.I'm so sorry."She looked down at her hands, trembling slightly on the keyboard.

"Please, Ms.Woodrow," Finn continued, his voice softer now, "we don't have much time.Can you give us any information on who might've been there?"

Swallowing hard, Esther nodded, her fingers resuming their dance across the keys."Yes, of course.I'll see what I can find."
