Page 13 of When You're Sane

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"Your assistance has been invaluable, Mr. Parker," Finn said, extending a firm handshake to the shaken caretaker whose eyes still echoed the horror of his gruesome discovery. “It can be hard seeing what you did.”

“We can get you referred for some counseling through your GP if you like?” Amelia offered, softly.

“No... No, I'll be fine.”

“Again, thank you,” Finn said, feeling sorry for the man.

"Anything to help get to the bottom of this dreadful business," Mr. Parker replied, giving a slight nod as he accepted Finn and Amelia's wordless expression of thanks—a subtle tilt of Amelia's head acknowledging the weight the man carried as the bearer of bad news.

“I'll stay here and finish up on a few things,” Wilson offered. “If you need anything from me, let me know.”

“Thanks, Wilson,” Finn said.

“I hope to see you soon under better circumstances,” Amelia added.

As they turned to leave, Finn's phone vibrated abruptly against his thigh, a sudden intrusion that made him pause mid-stride. He glanced at the screen—Rob's name flashed urgently.

“Rob?” Finn's voice was crisp, cutting through the hush that had settled in the corridor.

"Finn... Bad news. Someone's had a crack at my aunt's cottage in Great Amwell," came the blunt reply, Rob's concern barely masked by his gruff tone. "Whoever did it, must have known you've been staying there. They've done a number on one of the windows and unlocked the door from the inside when they were leaving, but it's odd—nothing appears to be touched inside as far as we can tell."

Finn thought for a moment, feeling dread creeping in. Vilne knew where he lived now. That was dangerous. “He's unlocked the door so we know someone went inside, otherwise it's just a broken window... Vilne... He's done this for a reason.”

“Considering you are already in the area,” Rob advised. “And it's possible Vilne murdered the Richmonds, I think it would be good for you to come by and see what you make of the break in.”

“Thanks, Rob. We're on our way there now... And... Keep looking over your shoulder, Vilne could be after you, too." Finn ended the call, and without needing to articulate it, Amelia said "we better go".

As Finn and Amelia left the grand hall behind, Finn wondered if anywhere would be safe for him and his friends.


Finn's mind was full of unanswered questions as he drove towards Great Amwell. The gentle hum of the engine and the rhythmic swipe of the windshield wipers set a steady cadence as Finn maneuvered the car through the damp British countryside. Droplets of icy rain clung to the windows, distorting the yellowed pastures and hedgerows that blurred past them. Amelia sat in the passenger seat, her gaze fixed on the passing scenery, her fingers tapping an absent-minded rhythm on her knee.

"Have you heard from Demi lately?" Amelia's voice cut through the quiet interior of the car, as unexpected as a siren on an empty road.

Finn glanced over, his grip tightening on the steering wheel. "We've been in touch for the last few weeks ever since she came to the UK," he said, his words measured. "She's...It’scomplicated."

Amelia nodded, her eyes never leaving the window. "I can only imagine."

A heavy silence settled between them. Finn thought back to their previous case when Amelia and he had kissed while facing almost certain death. The kiss they had shared—a moment of vulnerability amid chaos—loomed in Finn's mind like an unspoken promise. It was a ghost that lingered at the edge of their partnership, ethereal and untouchable. Finn still wondered what it had meant and whether he should speak about it at all.

"About that night—" Finn suddenly began, his voice barely above the whisper of tires on wet asphalt.

"Let's not," Amelia interjected, her tone firm but gentle. She finally turned to look at him, her green eyes holding his for a fleeting second. "Things are complicated for you right now, and we got lost in the moment. It happens. We should forget it."

"Right." Finn's response was automatic, but inside, a sharp pang of disappointment twisted. He felt crushed, as if the possibility of something incredible had slipped through his fingers, irretrievable. He wasn't sure whether he wanted to get back together with Demi or start something new with Amelia. He cared deeply for both, but he had to admit that in his mind, Demi was fading, their connection broken by her leaving him. She claimed that someone had blackmailed her to leave him, but even if that were true, he had come to realize that their relationship had been on sinking ground for some time.

Above all else, he didn't want to hurt either Amelia or Demi, and if the best option to ensure that meant being alone, maybe he had to consider that, too.

He shook the thoughts and focused on the road ahead, the steady thrum of the engine a metronome to his scattered desires. The windshield wipers continued their back-and-forth dance, each swipe an attempt to clear away more than just rain.

The quaint village of Great Amwell had a deceptive calm about it, as if the rolling green and yellow hills and cobblestone paths dusted with frost were untouched by time or turmoil. Finn’s car rolled to a stop outside the cottage, its thatched roof heavy with the weight of recent rain. He turned off the ignition, and both he and Amelia sat for a moment, taking in the scene.

"Looks peaceful enough," Amelia said, breaking the silence as she unclasped her seat belt. “Although you've been living here for months now, I'm surprised they haven't tried to have you evicted.”

“I'll have you know I am a model neighbor,” Finn replied.

“Still, it is a serene place,” Amelia continued.
