Page 164 of Wanted By a King

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“You did nothing wrong, Zo,” he says, calmer this time.

Tilting my head to the side, I look up at him. The haunting expression he wore after finding out that Gunner, Sasha, and Slayer died is back. Ironically, that’s what convinces me he’s right. Because while we made out, that look was gone. Now, I want nothing more than to wipe it away again—get rid of it for good.

“I know,” I say, my voice sounds small, like it’s about to break. “But I still feel guilty for… I don’t know how to describe it.”

Gray nods and pushes the button to make the elevator move again. “Don’t ever feel guilty for making the best of your situation,” he rasps.

Then he slams his lips to mine in a bruising, toe-curling kiss that I return. I pour everything I feel into the kiss, moaning when he returns it.

“Okay,” I promise as I pull away before his lips and tongue make me consider just living in this elevator from now on.

I try to remain steady, but when the elevator stops and the doors slide open, my legs begin to shake uncontrollably. A whimper is ripped from me, and tears well in my eyes.

Fuck, I don’t think I can do this.

“You can do it, Princess,” Gray murmurs encouragingly. “You’re so strong.”

I close my eyes, telling myself it won’t be as bad if I can’t see the second I step out of the elevator and into Dirty Diamonds. Yes, I know the elevator is part of the club, but logistics don’t seem to matter right now.

Gray stays behind me, one hand still around my throat and the other resting on my hip. He doesn’t hurry me along. He stays there, silently following me as I tentatively take one step and then another.

My heart beats erratically, making it hard to hear anything else.

“Just two more steps,” Gray says encouragingly.

The next steps aren’t as hard as the first ones, but when I open my eyes, I can’t help flinching. Literally flinching as I look around, immediately seeing the stage the Cruz Cunts dragged me onto. The stage where Gray… where he…

“I’m so sorry, Zo. This is all my fault.”

Guilt is palpable in his tone, making me feel bad for not being stronger. For not being able to compartmentalize enough to push my own shit aside after people were killed.

“I just need a minute,” I admit.

As I look around, I spot the Cruz Cunts huddled together near the bar. A few women I don’t know talk to them, but it doesn’t look like anyone is answering.

“Those are Dante’s Diamonds,” Gray says, pointing toward the barely dressed women behind the bar. “Or I guess they’re Cain’s now.”

Dante… Dante… right, the one who took Gray in after his dad was killed. I know I’ve heard of Cain as well, but the name doesn’t register right now.


Recognizing Alana’s voice, I spin around just in time to see her come flying toward me. She doesn’t slow down, but crashes into me and envelops me in a bear-hug. I wince as her shoulder accidentally grazes my swelling eye.

“Careful, Alana,” Gray thunders.

“Ignore him,” I whisper to my friend.

Looking over her shoulder, I notice the Cruz Cunts moving toward us. Most of them come straight over, but some seem unsure of whether they should approach or not.

“Why are you all sitting out here instead of getting sorted?” Gray asks no one in particular.

“We were waiting for Zoe,” Rhiannon dutifully answers. “We didn’t know what she wanted us to do.”

I free myself from Alana, taking a step back. “What do you mean?” I ask, confused.

Rose takes a shuddering breath as she steps closer. “You’re our leader,” she says, like it’s the most natural thing in the world.

Shit, not this again.

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