Page 37 of Contact

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“Absolutely,” Rhys replied.“We think it would be best if people volunteered to help us rebuild for that reason, so they become more comfortable with the technology.”

“Can we go with you into space?”Jasmine asked excitedly.A murmur of similar questions soon followed.Hannah gave her own hopeful look at Rhys.

Rhys glanced at the other cyborgs, who nodded.“We don’t see why not.If you feel you’re capable of safe space travel, you’re welcome to join us on supply runs.”

“This will end badly!”Ollie shouted.

“Fuck off, Ollie!”snapped Jasmine.

“Our ancestors...”

“Our ancestors were full of shit!”yelled Jasmine.“My God, how many times do we have to go over this?”She stood up and turned around.“I’m tired of people dying of diseases that can be cured with a pill or spray!I’m sick of constantly wondering if there’s going to be another earthquake and we won’t know in time!”Her voice had risen to a fever pitch, bordering on hysterical.Alarm flared through Hannah; she’d never seen her friend like this before.

“Our lives are awful like this!”she screamed.“If you want to rot away in your house and refuse to join the modern universe, you go right fucking ahead, Ollie!But the rest of us want to have a chance at living a normal span of years and making something of ourselves!”

Rage colored Ollie’s face red, and he opened his mouth to offer a rebuttal.Before he could, Rodelle said, “This is not the time,” she said icily.

“When is the time?”Ollie asked.

“Never,” replied Rodelle.“The old way of life is behind us, thank God, and I don’t think anyone wants to hear you whine about it.”Her voice caught, and she took a couple of breaths, fortifying herself.Her next words were even, almost clipped in her anger.“I’d like to remind some of the people gathered here that the quake’s death toll wouldn’t have been so high if we’d had access to medical care and the infrastructure was in good repair.”She returned to her seat.

Hannah thought about her parents, who might have survived the disaster had the community center been quake-proof.She swallowed the lump in her throat that the memory always brought.“There are a million other reasons this has to happen,” she said.She looked at the sea of faces, so many of them wearing hopeful expressions for the first time in years.Not just hope, she realized.People werehappyagain.

“How long will this take?”someone asked.

Rhys took a deep breath, then started listing an estimated timeline for the spaceport’s construction, and Hannah relaxed for a moment, grateful to have the spotlight off her.He’d lost a little of the stiffness and awkwardness he had when his people first landed, answering questions with a more human confidence.

Had he found that with her the night before?She bit back a smile at the memory as a flush suffused her body.The feeling was tainted by the knowledge that the reason things hadn’t progressed earlier in the day was because of Ollie being a bastard again.She hoped no one noticed her blush.

“Unless there’s something Hannah would like to discuss?”The mention of her name from Rhys’s lips pulled her back into reality.

Damn it, people were looking at her expectantly.What had Rhys just said?“Sorry, could you repeat that?”she asked, hoping no one else noticed her being flustered.

Rhys’s voice was calm and level.“Is the meeting adjourned?Is there anything else we should talk about while everyone’s still assembled?”

Hannah glanced at the crowd, noting Jasmine’s curious expression.Next to her, Rodelle also had a quizzical look on her face.Had they noticed something between her and Rhys, picked up on that connection between them?Knowing Jasmine, it was very possible.She knew Hannah better than anyone.

“I can’t think of anything,” Hannah replied.“Although, if anyone has anything else they want to discuss, you know where to find me.”She thought about Ollie’s interruption.“Just check in with me at a reasonable hour,” she added.She threw a glare in Ollie’s direction for good measure.

The crowd slowly dispersed.Rhys hopped off the stage with a grace that belied his size and held out a hand for Hannah.Despite his stoic expression, there was a warmth in his eyes, a look meant only for her.Her heart fluttered for a couple of beats when his gloved hand touched her skin.

“Are you all right?”he murmured when she was safely on the ground.

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Your cardiovascular rate...”

“Is fine,” she whispered.She nearly said,It’s nothing, but that would’ve been a lie.It was entirely because of him.

“It’s increased,” he protested, his voice still quiet.Hannah appreciated his discretion.

“Stop being so hot, and my heart rate will go back to normal.”

Understanding dawned on his face.“I see.”

He was still holding her hand.The sensation didn’t register to Hannah until the contact was broken.She already missed it.

