Page 37 of Safe & Sound

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“I guess we can have our honeymoon after all.” Ajax smiled.

“What’re you talking about?”

“When a nonhuman finds his or her mate, it’s customary for the boss, if he’s not human, to give his employee two weeks off with pay.”

Drake frowned. “Are you saying that Kylo isn’t human?”

“He’s an impala shifter.”

That blew Drake’s mind. “Oh my god. That’s so adorable.”

Ajax chuckled. “Don’t let him hear you say that. A lot of prey shifters don’t take kindly to being called adorable.”

Prey shifters? “Do you mean your wolf wants to eat Kylo’s impala?”

“Every damn time I see him,” Ajax confessed. “I have to wrestle with that urge, and there’s been a time or two when things got a little close.”

Drake’s brows shot up. “You better not eat my boss!”

Kylo was a small guy, with gorgeous light brown hair that had a few lighter highlights when he was in the sun, amazing blue eyes that shone like diamonds, and was the cutest twink Drake had ever seen.

“No promises,” Ajax said.

He glared at Ajax. “If your wolf eats Kylo, you can forget about ever touching this ass again.”

Ajax looked as if Drake had just kicked him in the nuts. “Are you serious?”

“Do I look serious?” Drake scowled.

“For a guy who never asserts himself, you’re blossoming around me, and right now, you’re kind of scaring me.”

Drake grinned. “Good, so no eating my boss.”

Until now, Drake hadn’t thought of how assertive he’d become.

And he liked this new side of himself.

Chapter Ten

The blare of the alarm clock made Drake want to throw the damn thing right out the window. As much as he loved his job, he didn’t want to get up. Ajax had stayed late last night, watching a movie with him, but Drake suspected his mate didn’t want to leave his side.

Unfortunately, the real world wouldn’t take a day off. Ajax had to get things ready at the café, so he’d left around five thirty in the morning. Drake had had about one hour of sleep before his alarm had gone off.

Now he was lying there, too tired to even open his eyes. Ajax was supposed to talk to Kylo later today to ask for the two weeks off, but until then, Drake needed to get his sleepy ass up and zombie-walk into the kitchen for a cup of coffee.

Then he needed a shower to fully wake up.

Finally he opened his eyes. The room was bathed in darkness, but Drake could still make out those damn polka-dot patterns where the walls had been repaired.

Not a thing he wanted to see first thing in the morning.

Throwing his arms above his head, he stretched, the all-over body stretch that made your muscles burn. Then he burrowed back under the covers. Rising early was for the birds. Literally.

With a deep sigh, Drake tossed the covers aside and sat up, wishing to god he could lie back down. There was nothing worse than having to go to work after one hour of sleep. He was going to be useless today. Kylo was going to be testy because of Drake’s lack of enthusiasm.

Drake’s job was great, and he loved working around flowers and plants, but again, Kylo could be a real jerk when it came to details. He had to have some kind of OCD or something. The guy was a perfectionist when it came to his orders.

After rubbing his hands over his face—which didn’t help to wake him up—Drake shoved from the bed and padded toward the kitchen. He bumped into the wall once, his eyes barely open. All he could think about was the rich aroma of coffee filling the air.
