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Inside, I flip on a light and lay her on my couch while I rustle her up some food. What will she think of this place? Will she wonder how someone who lives in such a small apartment could afford the bid that won her?

My sorry bachelor refrigerator has two beers, some leftover Chinese takeout, half a dozen eggs, and some orange juice.

“Scrambled eggs sound good to you?” I ask, seeing that she’s sitting up.

She glances at me and nods, looking resigned to her fate. It kills me to see her like that, when I know there’s a fire somewhere inside her. All I want to do is rekindle it.

“All I know about you is your name,” I say, whisking three eggs into a bowl before sliding them into a pan on the stove. “Which I like, by the way, April.”

There might be a hint of a smile, but she lifts one shoulder in a half-hearted shrug. “Do you need to know anything else about me?”

“No,” I say. “But I’d like to. And if you want to know anything about me, I’m happy to tell you.”

When the eggs are done, I bring them to her and sit beside her on the couch, apologizing for not having any ketchup.

She looks offended. “Gross. But, thank you for this. I am pretty hungry, I guess.” Her hand shakes as she takes the first bite, and then she practically shovels the rest down before noticing I’m not eating. “Sorry,” she whispers.

“Don’t apologize,” I tell her. “You haven’t done anything wrong.”

Her head lowers, causing her silky black hair to slide across her cheek, hiding her beautiful face from my view. I tuck the strands behind her ear, letting my finger trail down her face. I stop myself before I get to the neckline of the sweatshirt, afraid I’ll yank the zipper down to reveal her perfect body. Just the feel of her soft skin has me wild for her.

“How old are you?” she asks.

“Twenty-eight,” I say. “Hope that’s not too old for you.”

Once again, she shrugs, but she looks at me with curiosity now, her hazel eyes jumping from my face down to my chest and up again. Then lower. I can feel her gaze settle on my lap and my rock-hard cock moves against my zipper. A slight smile curls her lips and I have to hold back a groan.

I tip her chin up. “Yes, I want you, April. So fucking much. But you have a choice here, you know.”

“Do I?” she asks.


She leans closer, but her brows furrow with worry. “But you won. You bid so much money. It wouldn’t be…”

I put my finger on her lips, shaking my head. “Doesn’t matter. I know your uncle forced you to do this.”

It’s going to be the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do to turn away from this beauty, but I will. I swear I will, even if it kills me. Which it might. She leans even closer and reaches out toward me. Her hand rests on my thigh and I grab it. As much as I want her, and I really fucking do, I’m not one of the hyenas from the club.

“How about this?” I start, pulling her hand to my lips and kissing her fingertips. Her eyes flutter and she nods for me to continue. I sweep her hair behind her shoulder and rest my hand against her neck, feeling her pounding pulse with my thumb.“Give me an hour. If you don’t want me after an hour, I’ll take you wherever you want to go.”

“An hour?” She tips her head back, her mouth falling open. I move my hand up her throat to run my thumb back and forth across her full lower lip.

“Let me show you how good I can make you feel, April,” I say, leaning close so that our mouths are only inches apart. I can feel her breath speeding up, see her eyes darken as her pupils dilate.


She barely speaks her agreement, and I claim her mouth with mine, pushing my tongue between her lips. Tangling my fingers into her hair, I tug her head back to go deeper inside as I slide my other hand behind her back to pull her close to me. The way she so eagerly accepts my hungry kisses is intoxicating. Her body presses against me, her hands clutching my shoulders while I tease her mouth with my tongue. At first, she only accepts what I’m doing, but soon she responds, moving her hands less shyly, sweeping her tongue boldly against my own.

When was the last time I made out with someone? It’s been a while, especially since I’ve been solely focused on working and saving money. And I’ve never enjoyed it this much. I could keep going, just kissing her, but I need to make her want me as much as I want her.

Getting my hand between us, I drag the zipper of my sweatshirt down, breaking away from our kiss to look down at her body. She shrugs out of the oversized shirt and with each shuddering breath, her lush tits heave over the top of the lacy bra that barely covers them. Her rosy nipples are hard peaks under the sheer fabric and I lean down to nuzzle each one, smiling at her gasp.

“I want to lick these tasty little tits of yours, April,” I tell her. “You promised me an hour.”

“Yes, do whatever you want.”

Her cheeks flame bright red as I unhook the bra and roll it down off her shoulders. “You’ve never even been topless in front of a man, have you?”

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