Page 5 of The Starry Knight

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“What do you want now, Sebastian?” Mary snaps. She knows me all too well.

“Well, since you asked so nicely, I was wondering if we have anyone that can come fill the role of my assistant until Tracy returns?” I reply with a grin I’m sure she can hear through the phone. Mary has been here since my father was CEO and knows all about the shenanigans Miles and I used to pull. I guess you could call her our work mother. She tries her best to keep me in line, but that’s too hard a task for most.

“Do you think we have extra people just twiddling their fingers waiting for you to call and need someone? Of course, we don’t. I’ll have to put out an ad this afternoon and hopefully get someone in here by Monday. Think you and Elijah can hold it down until then? I need to get back to all the work that’s accumulated since your brother left!” she exclaims, and I hear her exasperation over the phone.

“Thank you, Mary. What would I do without you? Oh, and will you make sure they’re competent? I don’t have time to hold someone’s hand while they learn the ropes,” I request.

“Do you think I would get someone that couldn’thandle you? We need a lion tamer in here,” she retorts with a chuckle.

“I’m not that bad, Mary. Give me some credit,” I plead.

“Yeah, yeah. I suppose. I’ll get this ad together and send it to you for approval before I post it,” she states.

“Thank you, Mary. You’re the best!” I express myself in the sweetest voice I can muster, before I hang up the phone.

With that taken care of, I breathe a sigh of relief. Hopefully, things will turn around here soon. I loathe having to ask someone else for help, but the truth is, without Miles here things have turned to shit. Leaning back in my chair with my hands behind my head, I gaze out of the floor-to-ceiling windows in my office. Being on the twentieth floor I get a good glimpse of the horizon and the setting sun. I’ve worked through another lunch. No wonder I am feeling especially hangry towards Elijah today. I make a mental note to give the guy some extra vacation days when Miles returns.

Turning back around to my desk, I see all the details about the fundraiser thatstillneed to be approved. Sighing, I pick up the phone and make all the necessary arrangements. Once everything is settled, I close my laptop down and pack up my things for the evening. I can’t stay here all night again. My mother used to always tell me, “It’ll all get done. No need to stress about it.” And that’s exactly what I have been doing, stressing! I going to work myself to death at this rate. I get up from the desk and go to the walk-in closet that I had installed when we bought this building. Removing my suit, I put on the clothes I wore herethis morning: jeans and a t-shirt. Grabbing my leather jacket, I leave my office and find a frazzled Elijah at his desk, scribbling notes at an unnatural pace.

“Slow down there, Elijah. Your hand is going to break off.”Having not heard me open my door, he jumps at my booming voice.

“I’m just trying to get this all done, sir,” he responds.

“Let’s get out of here. This work will still be here tomorrow waiting for us. I don’t want to spend another long night here,” I reply.

“Are you sure, sir?” he questions.

“Positive. Pack your stuff and get out of here. I’ll see you tomorrow, bright and early,” I remark.

?As I walk toward the bank of elevators, I pull out my phone and order takeout. I can pick it up on my way home, saving me the time of having to fix something when I get there. In the elevator, I press the garage button. I rode my bike in today so no need to wait for a car. Normally, I have Nicolas or Thomas, our family chauffeurs give me a ride, but today I wanted to feel the open road at my fingertips. I don’t always get a chance to ride, so I took advantage of the weather and hopped on.

I step into the garage, I notice most of our employees have cleared out, which is to be expected. My motorcycle is one of the only vehicles left down here. It's parked close to the doors, that's a perk of being a boss. As I walk towards my black Ducati Diavel, adrenaline begins coursing through my body. I love to ride, to feel the air rush past me as I fly through the streets of New York City. Throwing on my leather jacket, I unclasp my helmet from the back of the bike. Making sure the Bluetooth in my helmet is connected, I pocketmy phone.As I sling my leg over the bike I start the engine, feeling the purr come to life under my body. Excitement flows through me as I kick the bike into gear and race out the gates of Knight Publishing Company. I set off to pick up dinner and then home, where I hope to have a relaxing evening.



My eyes spring open and my heart feels as though it’s beating out of my chest. I wake to a cold sweat and for just a moment, I remember the horrible dream I was having. It was the night Blaine died in my arms. I rub my hands down my face and then back up to my eyes where tears had begun to emerge. Throwing the covers off my heated body, I swing my legs over the bed and sit up hoping this will wake me up further to erase the dream and the memories. I check my watch and see I slept all day. I haven’t done that in a long time. I needed it though. I was emotionally and physically drained from the move and the panic attack. I look at all the boxes stacked in my room and wish they were already empty. I fucking hate moving. I hate having to unpack in a new place and have to decide where I want to put everything. I sigh to myself and stand. I walk over to the boxes and search for the one marked “clothes”.Pulling out something to wear, I then go in search of my toiletries. A shower would be magical right now. Thankfully, I am neurotic about labeling, or I wouldn’t be able to find anything in all these boxes.

Grabbing everything I need, I open my door andpeer out. Not that I’m trying to sneak around but I’d rather shower and get myself together before the colorful Lana makes an appearance. I don’t see or hear her so I walk down the hallway to the bathroom, finding it empty. Sighing in relief, I walk in and lock the door behind me. As I place my clothes on the counter I see myself in the mirror and notice the dark circles under my eyes. Even with all the sleep in the world, I don’t think I’ll ever get rid of those. They’ve been my constant companion since Blaine passed away. I hate the reflection staring back at me. Turning away from the mirror, I start the shower and let the steam fill the room before I step in and wash all my sadness away.

Once out, I wipe the steam off the mirror and am thankful to see some of the color has returned to my cheeks. I brush my teeth and then my hair. Not feeling like drying it, I grab my dirty laundry and unlock the door. As it opens, I jump back when I see Picasso right in front of me. She’s in a new set of colorful clothes with paint spattered all over them.

“I didn’t mean to startle you. I was just about to knock when the door opened,” she admits.

“No worries, I didn’t see you earlier, so I figured you had gone out,” I reply with a small shake in my voice. In all honesty, she scared the shit out of me.

“Nope. I wanted to be here when you got up in case you needed anything. I did go grocery shopping after coffee, but I figured you would sleep through that. So, how are you feeling?” she inquires.

“Better. The shower definitely helped. Let me go put these clothes up and I’ll come back out,” I reply.

“Okay,” Lana responds as she turns around and walks towards the living room.

I throw my clothes in the hamper in my room and slip on my Chuck’s. Grabbing my phone, I take one last look at the looming boxes and close my door.As I head toward the living room, I hear the TV going. Again, I take in the nice open space. I think this will be my second favorite room once mine is finished. Lana peaks up from the couch as she sees me approaching.

“Hey girl. I was thinking that we could go out tonight and get some dinner. My treat!” she exclaims as she places her phone down on the couch.

“I’m not letting you pay twice in a row. It’ll be my treat tonight. Let me grab my bag,” I retreat to my room, grabbing my purse and making sure my anxiety meds are still in there. Once I confirm, I sling the purse across my shoulders and make my way back out to Lana. My first night out and about in New York City. This should be interesting.

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