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I toss the straw into the little gold garbage can before tucking the vial back into the corner of my sticky bra. He thinks he’ll get something from me tonight, but that’s not going to happen.

I need him to be comfortable enough to take a sip of the drink and then I’m going to get the hell out of here.

Thankfully, the people who come to The Quartz pay a lot of money for an exclusive membership. My friend Hazel was more than happy to lend me her membership card for the night. With this membership, you have the luxury of a lack of cameras and hundreds of other illegal activities.

One death in The Quartz isn’t going to raise any red flags among the people who frequent it. Ivan Orlov is a man with more enemies than he can count.

My hands shake as I pick up the glasses and walk over to the couch. The door to the private room opens, and my heart skips a beat, as I set the glasses down on the table, my back to the door.

I take my time straightening up, giving Ivan the best view possible of my ass. I can feel his gaze burning through me, making the hair on the back of my neck stand up. My pulse races as I turn around with a sultry smile and take a seat on the couch.

Men are so easy.

Even the Pakhan of the Bratva can be lured by a pretty woman giving him a little attention.

Ivan’s presence draws all the air out of the room. My gaze drags down his big frame, taking in every inch of his muscular body. He stands a good foot taller than me, sinewy muscles wrapping around his forearms. His gray shirt, the sleeves casually rolled up, clings to every inch of his upper body.

A heatwave rushes to my core as I imagine his angled muscles, disappearing beneath the band of his pants. Even now, I can see that Ivan is a man who spends time to keep his body in shape.

“I thought I might find you in here,” he says, his voice soft and sultry as his deep green eyes roam my body. “What is a pretty young woman like you doing in a club like this all alone?”

I lean back against the couch cushions, crossing one leg over the other. The hem of my dress hikes higher up my thigh as he approaches me. He runs a hand through his dark hair, revealing the gray near his temples.

He’s about twenty years older than me, but there's no denying that he’s attractive. Even though the sight of him makes my stomach churn, a strange feeling and excitement bubble up inside me.

“I was hoping that you would come to find me.” The corner of my mouth tips upward as I rake my fingers through my silky hair, pushing it back over my shoulder and showing off the low dip to the front of the dress.

Ivan smirks as he crosses the room and perches himself on the corner of the coffee table. His knee brushes against mine, the fabric of his dark pants rough against my skin.

“And what were you hoping would happen once I found you?” He leans forward, invading my space. The scent of his spicy cologne wraps around me, filling the room.

My head feels faint as I shrug one shoulder, the sultry smile still on my face. “I don’t know. I thought that we would be able to figure that out together. The couch is nice and spacious. Bent over the bar is fun.”

I have no clue what I’m talking about, and I hope that he doesn’t pick up on the fact that I’ve never done anything like this before. If this plan is going to work, then he must want me enough to trust me. He needs to let his guard down.

You are playing with fire!A warning siren rings in my head.

Ivan raises an eyebrow, his fingers drifting along the outside of my calf. Shivers race up and down my spine at the touch. Bile rises in my throat. I want to smack his hand away and get the hell out of this room.

“I got us a couple of drinks,” I say, leaning forward to grab the drink without the poison. I take a slow sip, eyeing him over the rim of the glass.

His gaze stays focused on me, his full lips curving upward as he reaches for his drink.

This is it. Once he has that drink, I don’t have to worry about him hurting Lily again. He’ll never be able to get to her.

Guilt swirls through me as the glass rim presses against his bottom lip. My chest tightens, threatening to force the air from my lungs. Sweat beads on the back of my neck as I try not to squeeze my eyes shut.

Shit, I don’t think I can do this. I might be my father’s daughter, but I’m not a killer.

“Stop,” I say, my voice ragged as I reach for the glass.

Ivan scowls and stands up, throwing the glass against the wall. Shards of glass rain down to the floor as he grabs me by the throat and pushes me back into the cushions.

I claw at his hand, trying to pull his fingers away from my throat but there is a darker part of me that likes the position we’re in. Lust rises in my belly as another scenario flashes through my mind.

There is no point in screaming or crying for help. Nobody is going to hear me or come running if I do.

I’m not going to give him the satisfaction of looking weak.
