Page 21 of Persephone

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Gold ichor mixed with faint traces of scarlet blood stained the sheets of Persephone's bed. Hecate was wringing out a cloth in a basin, and Medea held Persephone's hand tightly. His wife was covered in a linen sheet and looked miserable.

"Look, Hades is here," Medea said, waving him over.

Hades swallowed back his panic and fear at seeing his wife in such agony. He moved to the side of the bed and took Persephone's other hand.

"Hades," she whimpered, pulling him into a hug.

"Hey, sunshine girl," he said softly. "I came as soon as Hermes told me. What can I do?"

"Go back in time and convince me to use birth control," Persephone replied against his chest. "I'm scared."

"Don't be. We are all here to help you," he crooned softly.

There was a tap at the door, and Hermes stuck his head in. "It's okay, everyone. I am here to help."

"Get the fuck out of here, Hermes, or I swear I will smite you!" Persephone shouted at him, shadows and gold pouring out of her as her dread side rose. Hades had never seen Hermes move so quickly. He vanished, the door slamming behind him.

"The caduceus could help if…" Hades stopped talking as Persephone glared at him. "Okay, no Hermes."

"He will only get in the way and faint when we need him," Medea said, placing a wet cloth on the back of Persephone's neck.

Hades kissed Persephone's hand. "Tell me what I can do?"

"Just stay. I don't know, but I have a bad feeling. Something is wrong," Persephone said, putting her hands on her stomach. Hades put his hands on top of hers.

"Nothing is wrong, my love. You can do this," he said and kissed her belly.

Persephone groaned, and fresh tears tracked down her cheeks. Hades was helpless to do anything but be there for her.


Hades was a wreck the following day, and Persephone was still in labor. The entire Court had ended up in the villa to offer moral support. This meant they were all in the garden drinking Hades's wine and enjoying themselves. He stumbled out into the sunshine and collapsed into a chair.

"Here, drink this. You look like you need it," Ariadne said, placing a full glass of whiskey into his hand. "How's Persephone?"

"She's asleep, but I don't think it will last long," Hades replied and had a big mouthful of the whiskey. He was exhausted, so he couldn't imagine how Persephone felt.

"It's normal. Don't worry," Selene said, joining them. "You should try and sleep too."

"I can't. I'm too nervous and worried," Hades replied.

Erebus came over with a plate of food and placed it on the small table beside him. "At least eat something."

"And drink this," Circe said and tossed him a small vial.

"What is it?" Hades wasn't dumb enough to drink anything a sorceress gave him, no matter how much he liked and trusted her.

Circe gave him an exasperated look. "It's an energy potion. You need it to boost you if you're not going to sleep."

Hades uncorked the vial and downed it. It was vile, so he quickly chased it with another mouthful of whiskey. Whatever was in it worked fast because the fog cleared from his brain, the fatigue left his muscles, and his appetite returned. He picked up the plate of food. "Thank you, Circe. And all of you. I don't know how I can help her."

"You can't fix everything, uncle," Asterion said, carrying a chair and placing it beside him. "This is Persephone's show."

"She's going to do great. Selene said it's normal, so it is," Ariadne added, moving to sit in Asterion's lap.

"She should summon Isis," Hermes said and smiled apologetically at Selene. "I love you, but this is a divine birth. Isis will be the one who can help the most."

Hades ran a hand over his face. "Persephone doesn't want to bother her unless she has no choice."
