Page 17 of Deal with the Devil

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Understanding dawns. “He didn’t—didn’t do that.”

“You said you woke up to him?—”

I cut him off. “He was on me. I thought it was sleep paralysis at first. Sometimes that happens to me, so I thought…” I shake my head, hating that I’m forced to relive it in my mind just to relay it to him. “Anyway, he was there, over me. On me. I couldn’t breathe. It took me a bit to pull myself from sleep enough to realize it wasn’t sleep paralysis, but a man. And his hands were around my throat, and I couldn’t—I couldn’t breathe!”

I don’t realize I’m panicking until he gathers meinto his arms, against his chest. “Shh. It’s okay. It’s okay, Sunshine. I don’t need to know. Not now. You’re okay.”

“I’m so sorry.” I don’t know why I’m apologizing. I only know that I’m sorry. I’m so, so incredibly sorry.

Kane laughs an incredulous sound, and then I feel his voice in his chest as he assures, “You’re safe with me.”



Candace throws a piece of popcorn at Kane. “I’m going to tell Ian how bad you’ve been this week. No joke, he’s going to give it to you.”

“Like to see him try.” Kane ups the ante and tosses a couch pillow at Candace. It hits her square in the face, and she lets out a roar I’ve come to associate with Candace alone, before a string of potty-mouthed curses flies from her tongue. I’m honestly not sure what all she said, but I’m confident I heard ‘pussy-ass-cunt’ somewhere in the middle. The woman talks like a trucker and smiles like a dark angel.

I love it.

On her feet now, pillow in hand, Candace swingsher arm back before she lets the pillow fly. Kane catches it easily. He’d been teasing her about how her patients in the ER must want a taste ofNurse Candy. A long lick and a little nibble of the night-nurse-delight. That’s what he’d said to make the popcorn fly.

“I’m gonna sic Bells on you.”

“He loves me,” Kane tosses back.

I have no idea who Bells is, but I can’t deny I’m curious, considering.

“He lovesbitingyou,” Candace sasses.

Kane snaps his teeth. “He’s not the only one.”

“Ew.” She scrunches her nose in a look of pure disgust before she throws her gaze in my direction. “Don’t let this one get to you. He’s rabid.” Her lip curls. “And he’s probably got an STI.”

“Hey.” The teasing is gone from Kane’s tone.

Candace shrugs, unbothered. “You’ve been with enough groupies.”

“Candace.” There’s a warning in Kane’s voice now. I can’t help but shift uncomfortably.

The last week with the two of them in Kane’s secluded house has been good, mostly. Nights are hard, but Candace has taken to sleeping with me. Having someone close helps to keep the nightmares at bay, but she’s going onto night shift tonight—and her man, Ian, comes home from helping his grandmother get settled in her new home in New York tomorrow, so she won’t be here anymore.

During the day, I’ve mostly been alone. Kane has, mostly, been out of the house, working.

I’m not even sure what he does. I haven’t gone snooping through the rooms in his house, and I haven’t been alone with him enough to ask.

Candace looks between me and Kane before she huffs. “Sorry.”

I blink up at her from where I’m snuggled in the big chair in Kane’s living room. The house is a big two story. Before seeing his house, I’d have thought Kane would live in something sleek and modern with cool, hard tones.

How wrong I’d been.

Kane’s home is a dream. An oasis. With its warm tones and rich wood accents, it’s a place for comfort and relaxation. There’s nothing high strung about this environment, which has made it a frigging dream to heal in.

After a week, my bruises look a lot better. They aren’t gone, but I wouldn’t have expected them to be. The bruising tenderness I’d struggled with in my ribs is now faint enough to let me move forward with average day-to-day activities, and my voice is no longer raspy, my throat no longer burns when I speak. It’s amazing what a week of relaxation can do for a girl, but it’s time to get back to reality.

Candace moves from the living room with a two-finger salute to me before blowing a middle-finger kiss at Kane. He catches it, pretending to give it a real good lick before tossing it over his shoulder. Candace barks a high laugh and calls, “You kids have fun. I’m off to work.”
