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The flight is long, but I sleep for most of it. Pasha’s strong arms and warm chest always put me to sleep. I swear there could be a rock concert in the plane, and I would still sleep like a baby in his protective embrace.

It’s as though nothing can touch us, but that façade burns to ash as we touch down on Pasha’s private runway in Texas and I see blue flashing lights from the window.

“Shit,” Pasha hisses, standing up and looking out the window. “What the fuck is the FBI doing here?”

Blood pumps to my head, and I feel woozy from the sudden adrenaline rush. If Pasha is concerned, then we’re in trouble. He’s always so calm and collected when it comes to the police. He’s even gone so far as to claim that he owns every cop in the city, and they wouldn’t dare to give him trouble.

If so, why is he freaking out now?

I put my hand on his shoulder, leaning into the same window he’s looking out of. “Is it bad?” I ask, but I already know the answer. Those sickening blue lights remind me of the night that Julia died. The police were so cold and uncaring. They only wanted to pin a DUI on me and earn brownie points for their department.

I stopped trusting the fuckers after that, but I never thought I’d have to deal with them again. I’ve avoided them quite well until now.

Pasha presses his fingers into his eyes, letting out a lengthy groan.

“Is it really that bad?” I ask, anxiety climbing up my throat as I look out the window again. The plane is slowing down, and the blue lights keep getting closer.

“It’s not good, I’ll tell you that much.”

My hands are shaking, and I feel like I’m going to puke. Why is this happening? We’ve been in Italy for over a month! There’s no reason why the police should be coming after us.

“I’m going to need you to keep your mouth shut,” Pasha says, turning to me suddenly. “Not a fucking word, you understand?”

I nod, pulling my fingers across my lips like a zipper.

“I’m serious, not one fucking peep out of you. I don’t care what they ask or how they threaten you, you’re not to say a word.”

“Right, don’t talk without a lawyer. I know the drill,” I reply, puffing out my chest.

“Not even with a lawyer,” he snaps. “You are to say nothing until I give you permission to speak.”

My stomach drops when I notice how sweaty his forehead has become. It’s quite cold in the airplane and he’s sweating bullets like he just ran a marathon in the middle of July.

I want to tell him that he can count on me, or some bullshit like that, but I really don’t know what the fuck is going on. I can keep my mouth shut for a while, but what if he gets locked up? I can’t be mute forever!

He seems to notice the panic in my eyes, because he lays a steady hand on my shoulder and offers up a weak smile. “Don’t worry, darling. I know how to handle this. Nothing bad is going to happen to you, okay?”

I shake my head. “I’m not worried about myself. I’m worried about you.”

His sharp gaze softens and his expression drops. He takes my hands in his and holds them as he looks into my eyes. “Valerie, I meant to tell you while we were in Italy, but I was… I don’t know, I was nervous.” He laughs. “That seems so unlike me, but it’s true.”

“You’re allowed to be nervous sometimes,” I reply. “I’m nervous a lot of the time.”

“Yeah, but that’s fine for you, darling. I’m supposed to be the unbreakable one, the one who never yields to fear or danger. So, I need to tell you now, before it’s too late.”

I gasp. “Don’t say that!”

“Say what?”

“Before it’s too late. Don’t ever say such a horrible thing. We’re not going to die once we step off this plane.”

He gives me a doubtful look and I want to slap him.

“Just tell me what you wanted to say,” I say, heat rising to my cheeks. “Don’t make me any more afraid than I already am.”

He sighs, his face growing serious again. “Okay, Valerie, this is important. I know there’s a lot that I’ve said and done in the time that we’ve known each other, and many of those things may have seemed drastic or extreme to you. But for me, the most extreme thing I could do would be to open my heart to a woman. Well… you’re that woman.”
