Page 25 of Hate You Up Close

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He sets the drink back down on the desk and turns his shoulders towards Roxanne.

“I’m Zion,” he grins, extending a friendly hand out to her. “I work here, and I’m also this asshole'sonlyfriend.”

Zion turns his head, staring at me in disappointment.

Roxanne chuckles, her cheeks turning red as she tries to conceal her amusement.

I clench my jaw and arch a brow at Zion as if to nonverbally say, “What the hell?”

In what world does he think it’s okay to talk about me like that in front of my assistant?

“What?” he scoffs, loudly answering my silent question. “What I said is true. You’re a complete asshole.”

“And why is that?” I ask, folding my arms across my chest. “Because I respectfully declined a coffee I didn't ask for?”

He chuckles like he’s at a loss for words.

“It’s not worth it,” he huffs. “You’re like talking to a brick wall.”

I narrow my eyes at him, trying my best to remain professional.

“Anyways,” he exhales, turning back to Roxanne. “If you ever need anything, feel free to ping me or give me a call. Unlike this guy,” he gestures towards me, “I’m always happy to help.”

Yeah, I’m sure he is more than happy to help. Happy to help undress her.

My blood boils at hiskindwords.

“That won’t be necessary,” I clip. “Because as my assistant, she will be coming tomeif she has questions.”

I flash him a threatening glance.

A beat of awkward silence passes as Zion and I have a mini stare-off. Finally, Roxanne audibly clears her throat andchimes in.

“Nice to meet you,” she smiles at Zion. “And thank you. I’ll definitely let you know if I have any questions–”

I promptly cut her off because fuck that. She will come to me if she has questions. End of story.

“Roxanne,” I snap. “I have a couple of meetings I need you to schedule today. I sent you a detailed email with the information. Can you get started on those immediately?”

I need to get her out of this room before I kick Zion’s ass for simply breathing near her.

Her brows pinch together as her face drops with disappointment.

“Sure,” she mutters lowly. “See you around,” she adds, nodding towards Zion before spinning around to leave.

The second we’re alone, Zion lays into me like an older brother.

“You are such a fucking dick,” he sneers, shaking his head.

I roll my eyes.

“Oh really? Because I asked her to schedule meetings? That’s her job, Zion.”

“You really are a heartless bastard, you know that?”

“She has a job to do,” I reiterate, flexing my jaw. “I wasn't aware that asking her to complete simple tasks would make me a heartless bastard.”

“I’m talking about the coffee, Elliot,” he spits. “She was trying to be nice. You could have just taken the damn latte. Instead, you embarrassed the hell out of that poor woman. Do you not have any common courtesy?”

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