Page 15 of Hate You Up Close

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“Of course,” she smiles.

Evie looks through the open door before taking a step closer to me and speaking in a hushed tone.

“Just between me and you…Elliot is rather handsome, and he knows it,” she whispers. “Truth be told, I think that’s where some of his arrogance comes from,” she chuckles lowly.

“Anyways,” she continues, “I saw him arrive this morning and noticed that he shaved for the first time inweeks. So maybe he’s in a good mood today.”

On top of him being an asshole, he’s a self-centered asshole. This just keeps getting better the minute.

Unfortunately for him, I don’t mesh well with narcissists.

“He sounds lovely,” I reply sarcastically, arching a brow.

She laughs and shakes her head.

“Like I said, I’m always here if you need to vent,” she repeats. “Us girls have to stick together.”

I smile, happy to have met Evie on my first day. I can already tell that we’re going to be fast friends. I’ve only knownher for a few hours, but it’s easy to gather that she’s the type of person who will have your back. One of those ride-or-die friends who will go out of their way to cheer you up when you're down.

“Thanks,” I reply as my lips tilt up with gratitude.

“Of course,” she chimes. “Alright, are you ready to meet him?”

No, not really.

“Sure,” I lie, pulling together a fake grin.

“Right this way, then.”

I follow closely behind Evie, my heart beating erratically. We take about ten steps until we’re standing in front of Elliot’s door.

Butterflies flutter and flop through my stomach as we enter the room. Immediately, the strong scent of whiskey and leather fills the air. It’s an odd combination, but I don’t hate it. If I’m being honest, it smells really damn good.

I try to keep my jaw from dropping as I take in the spacious office.

Holy shit. And I thought my office was nice…

The walls are completely made of glass, which is consistent with the rest of the building. Stainless steel panels separate the windows with gray privacy curtains pulled only a foot down, allowing the sun to cast a golden hue across the modern office space.

A sleek, flat-screen TV rests on one wall, and a transparent dry-erase board hangs on the opposite wall. Aside from that, the space is completely vacant. There are no pictures, decorations, or even a plant.

Sitting in the middle of the office is an ebony desk, the dark wood looking freshly polished. The only items sitting on the desk are a Mac computer, a keyboard and mouse, a fresh notepad, and two large hands.

God, those hands.

Thick veins run up the backs of his hands, leading to his long fingers that are clasped together tightly. A shiny Rolex is wrapped around his wrist, hugging his tan skin.

“Hello, Mr. Thompson.” Evie breaks the silence, distracting me from my thoughts of his manly hands. “This is Roxy. I wanted to show her to your office since it’s her first day.”

I’m not sure if it’s the elevation getting to me or if an actual earthquake just shook the ground because my world suddenly shifts on its axis when his hazel eyes connect with mine.

Don’t get me wrong, it's nolove at first sightbullshit, but Evie wasnotlying.

This man isn't just handsome, he’s fucking hot. Put him in an Armani suit and plaster him on the cover of a magazine kind of hot.

His eyes are a canvas of green and amber, little specks of gold outlining his dark pupils. His perfect face is framed by high cheekbones and a prominent jawline. Light freckles dust across his nose and cheekbones, similar to my own. My eyes drag down to his lips, full and pillowy with a natural gloss like he has a habit of licking his lips.

My blood heats at the visual.

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