Page 141 of Hate You Up Close

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Evie watches too many dateline episodes, so she refuses to get into an Uber alone. If someone is with her, she’s fine. But she won’t get inside of a stranger's car by herself.

She needs help, and I’m the first person she thought to call. Without a second thought, I already know what I’m going to do. She would do the same for me.

I tell her to hang tight, letting her know that I’m on my way to pick her up and take her home. There’s easily still a couple of hours left in the shower, so I should have plenty of time to quickly drop off Evie and make it back before it ends.

After we end the call, I quickly exit the bathroom and spot Elliot down the hall in conversation with his dad and Everett. I have no idea what they’re talking about, but they seem to be having a great time. At the same time, they all throw their heads back in laughter.

I feel like it’s a rarity for Elliot to genuinely have a good time with his dad and brother, which makes me feel like shit about interrupting their conversation and unloading drama onto Elliot when he looks so carefree.

An idea pops into my head when I see Skylar enter the hallway, heading straight for the bathroom I just came out of.

“Hey, Skylar,” I rush out, stepping in front of her to halt her steps. “I hate to ask you this during your wedding shower…But can you do me a favor?”

“Hey,” she smiles softly, quickly noticing that something iswrong. She places a comforting hand on my upper arm. “Of course. Is everything okay?”

“Do you know Evie Hart?” I ask. “She works at Ace Financial.”

She stops and thinks before her brows shoot up like a lightbulb went off in her head.

“Oh my gosh, yes!” she beams. “I love Evie. She’s a sweetheart.”

“Yeah, she’s the best,” I nod. “But uh…she’s going through a difficult time right now and needs a ride home. I let her know that I could pick her up, but I shouldn't be gone for long. Maybe thirty minutes max. I just need to make sure Evie gets home safely.”

“Poor thing,” Skylar frowns. “Evie is literally one of the sweetest people I know. I hope everything is okay.”

“It will be,” I mutter, deciding to not share too much information. “Once I get her home and off the street,” I add. “Can you let Elliot know what’s going on and that I’ll be right back? He’s talking with Everett and their dad…and I feel bad pulling him away. Especially when I’ll be back so soon. They look like they’re having such a great time catching up and…”

“Of course,” Skylar says, not giving it a second thought. “I’ll let Elliot know. You just be safe and call me if you need anything.”

“I will,” I nod. “Thank you so much.”

“No need to thank me,” she shakes her head. “Just go get your girl.”

“You’re the best,” I rush out, wrapping Skylar in a hug before speed walking down the hall.

Thankfully, Elliot asked me if he could put his keys in my purse when we got here, so I don’t need to ask him for the keys. I just need to get Evie home and quickly get back to the party. I’ll explain everything to Elliot tonight.



I’m finishing up a conversation with my dad and Everett when I start to get a weird feeling…Almost like I’m missing something. It’s as if a part of me is missing.

My eyes search around the living room, and I realize that Roxanne still isn't back from the bathroom. I lost track of time talking, but it seems like she’s been gone for a while.

I hope she’s feeling okay…

Deciding that I should go and check on her, I step around a group of people huddled together and head for the bathroom. Before I walk into the hall, I feel a dainty hand wrap around my bicep.

“Elliot,” a feminine voice rushes out. “I totally forgot to tell you.”

I halt my steps, my eyes flick down to see Skylar beside me.

“Forgot to tell me what?” I ask as her hand slips away.

For some unknown reason, I get an unsettling feeling deep in the pit of my stomach.

“Roxy left about ten minutes ago,” she starts. “She took your car. Evie had an emergency and Roxy needed to drive her home. She’ll be right back though. I told her I would let you know…”
