Page 129 of Hate You Up Close

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“What you’re going through isn't exactly a normal situation,” I mutter. “I know you’re happy for Everett, but you have every right to feel weird or upset about it. The fact that you even agreed to go says a lot. You easily could have said no, and I’m sure your brother would have understood.”

“I know,” Elliot sighs. “I just…I didn't want you to think I was breaking our rules if you found out I brought someone with me. It means nothing, I promise. I haven't fucked, kissed, or even touched another woman since San Diego. I need you to know that.”

Knots form in my stomach.

“Oh,” I say in a somber tone. “So youareplanning to bring someone?”

“Yes,” he nods. “I’m not about to show up alone after I told Everett I was bringing a date. That’s even more embarrassing than telling him I didn't have a date in the first place.”

“I see,” I croak. “So, who’s the lucky girl?”

“Fuck,” he mutters, looking like he’s in complete misery over having to bring a date. “I don’t know yet. I may ask Zion ifhe has a friend I could ask or some shit. I need to figure it out soon, though.”

I bite my lip, trying not to blurt out what I want to say.

Take me, you asshole. Ask me.

“Why are you putting yourself through the trouble of trying to find a random girl to bring when you could just ask me?”

His eyes widen at my question as he slowly sets down his beer.

“What?” he asks.

“Just take me. Problem solved.”

“What do you mean just take you?” he asks through pinched brows.

“Why would you take someone you barely know when I’m right here?” I push, my voice steadily rising. “It makes no sense.”

“Because you aren't just some random girl to me, Roxanne,” he says intently, any hint of amusement leaving his gaze. “I couldn't care less about hurting other people. But you…I can’t just…I’m not going to take you home to meet my family when you know I can’t give you what you–”

“I’m not asking for anything, Elliot,” I retort, cutting him off. “I’m just offering to help you out. Hell, you can introduce me as your assistant if you want. But if I’m being brutally honest, I don’t want you bringing anyone else as your date. I know we aren’t a couple, but dating other people wasn't part of our agreement.”

His eyes dart between mine as he processes my confession.

I might as well just tell him that I’m fucking jealous. Because I am. Really fucking jealous.

“Put yourself in my shoes,” I add sharply. “How would you feel if I told you I was bringing another man to an intimate event such as a wedding shower?”

His nostrils flair and his jaw clenches.

“I would kill the motherfucker before he could even think about going with you,” he fumes.

“Exactly,” I nod.

“What about Skylar?” he asks.

“What about her?” I spit back.

“She works in fucking HR, forourcompany.”

“And?” I chuckle. “What do you think she’s going to do? Turn her fiancé's brother in? Like I said, it’s not like we have to announce that we’re fucking. For all Skylar and Everett know, I’m nothing but your assistant. Plus, Skylar hired me, which means she likes me. Secondly, she’ll probably just be happy that you’re bringing someone. And third, she’s going to be so wrapped up with family, guests, and the excitement of it all that she probably won’t give two shits about us.”

Elliot's eyes flicker between mine as he purses his lips together. He’s trying to think of an argument, but he can’t find one because he knows I’m right. This isn't about Skylar or getting caught.

It’s about me and him. It’s about his fear of commitment.

He hangs his head, rubbing his palm against his jaw in frustration.
