Page 121 of Hate You Up Close

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“I’m thankful for you, too,” he smiles sweetly. “My beautiful Roxanne.”

Elliotand I walked hand in hand until we were a block away from Ace Financial. Then, my hand slipped from his and we stepped a few feet apart. It felt so good to hold his hand, to feel his rough palm against mine, even if it was just for five minutes. But it was also the biggest tease, like dangling a piece of meat in front of a dog and then yanking it away. It was a glimpse of what we could be, but also of what Elliot refuses to let himself have.

When we make it to our floor, we step out of the elevator and head to our offices. I walk a few feet behind Elliot in an attempt to not look suspicious.

“Oh, hey!” Evie says as we pass by her desk, stopping us in our tracks. “Elliot, your one o'clock just called and canceled.

Evie shifts her gaze to me.

“Roxy, they tried calling you first, but since you were out the call rolled over to me,” she adds. “They wanted to know if you could move them to next week.”

“My schedule is booked out for the next month,” Elliot chimes in. “So we’ll have to look at the calendar and see if there’s an opening for the week. Thanks, Evie.”

“No problem,” she chirps.

Elliot nods and smiles before turning and walking towards his office.

I stay at Evie’s desk, fully prepared to chat with her for a bit. We usually catch up for a few minutes after lunch.

“Roxanne,” a deep voice bellows. I turn to my shoulder to find Elliot standing in front of my office, staring directly at me.

“Yes?” I ask, brows furrowed.

“Do you have time to meet right now?” he asks. “I have a few things I need to discuss with you since I have some free time.”

“Sure,” I nod.

“We’ll catch up later,” I whisper to Evie.

“Sounds good,” she smiles. “Nate’s taking me on a surprise date tonight. I need you to help me decide on an outfit.”

“Ohhh,” I croon, making a kissy face. “Exciting. I’ll ping you once I wrap up my meeting with Elliot.”

“Can’t wait,” she squeals, lifting her shoulders as she smiles cutely.

As I walk to Elliot’s office, I run my fingers through my wavy locks and brush my hands down my navy dress, making sure I don’t have any leftover sandwich crumbs on me.

The second I open Elliot’s door, I find him already waiting for me at the entrance. Before I can blink, he grabs my wrist and pulls me in.

He curls one arm beneath my ass, picking me up like I weigh nothing before slamming the door shut with his free hand. I don’t have a chance to register what’s happening before he carries me further into his office. My dress bunches up around my thighs as I lock my legs around his back. His erection presses against the thin fabric of my panties with each step he takes.

He discards me on top of his mahogany desk and steps between my parted legs.

“W-What are you doing?” I ask, my chest heaving up and down with labored breaths.

“I need you,” he pants heavily. “Thank God my meeting got canceled because I can’t fucking wait another second.”

He cups my face between his palms and slams his hard mouth to mine.

We groan into each other’s mouths as he parts my lips, stroking his warm tongue against mine. Cupping the back of my head, he twists his fingers in my hair and angles my head. I reach for his waist, clutching his dress shirt in my hands. His hard chest bumps and grinds against mine as we attack each other with our lips and hands.

Elliot lowers his arms, gripping my bare thighs and spreading me wider. He slides me to the edge of the desk until his cock is pressed firmly against my center. I whimper as he rolls his hips, hitting me with perfect precision in my most sensitive spot. Even through our clothes, I can feel how hard and ready he is for me.

He craves this just as much as I do.

“I need you,” he repeats in a gravelly tone against my lips. “Right here. Right now.”

“Are you sure?” I ask breathlessly, continuing to grind against him.
