Page 33 of Totally Ducked

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“We’ll be in Boston in about twenty minutes,” Coach Miles calls from the front of the bus, and Brendan cheers. This trip was two hours shorter than the last but it feels like I’ve been on this thing for days. I tried to focus on revising my next pieces, but Brendan’s so immersed in the teams now that he keeps shifting seats to chat and laugh with different players and my attention shifts with him.

I can’t wait to get into our room, drop this whole rival’s façade and show him how I really feel. I know that this is all very new to him, and in some ways, it’s sort of an experiment in figuring himself out, so I’m trying to keep my emotions in check, trying to keep myself from falling for him. I’m failing miserably.

I need to figure out a way to shield myself, even if only a little, because this awakening of his could lead him away from me, anyway. He’s only really been with me. Sure, he’s had hookups or make-out sessions with a guy, or guys in college, or at least he claims to have, but everything else is completely new.

I know Boston has some great clubs. Maybe I should take him out so he can see what it’s like and get a little more experience than just me? The thought of him with anyone but me has my gut churning.

I can’t seriously be thinking about doing this, can I?

We get to Boston. The hotel is practically a stone’s throw away from the stadium, and all of us, despite how tired we are afterthe long journey, can’t help but stare at the magnificence that is Fenway Park.

“Can you believe we’re actually playing here in two days?” Gordon says, wrapping one arm over Harrison’s shoulder. Harrison is shaking his head.

“This is going to be incredible. How many tickets do you think have been sold?”

“This place holds over thirty thousand people. We had what… five thousand at the last game. Fair to say we’ll get at least a bit more,” Gordon replies.

“It’s going to look empty as fuck,” Benny says, joining them. He’s right. Even if there are twice as many people in attendance, the stadium is going to look pretty empty. I make a note to check current sales and to plug the tickets that are still available with my posts.

They’re only playing one game at the historic stadium before we move on to New York, then Buffalo, and then Ohio. I have no idea how they even convinced them to play one game at Fenway. I tried to ask both Coach Miles and Coach Lennox, but neither had any clue. Or they couldn’t say. It doesn’t really matter, I guess, how they got permission to host game seven there. What matters is that they will be playing on one of the greatest fields in baseball history.

Fooling around with Brendan has become my favorite part of the tour. Finding his ducks all over the place comes in a close second. I have about fifteen now.

I take out the baseball rubber duck I keep with me and hold it up so that the stadium lights are behind it, then take a shot. I immediately jump onto the socials page and type up a quick post.Have you got your tickets yet? No more Ducking around, see you at the game.I add the photo and a link to the ticket platform and hit post.

“Same room assignments as last week, boys,” Coach calls as he holds up a stack of envelopes.

My stomach flips. I was worried that they would reassign people or have us bunking in with extra people. That could have been awkward if I was blowing him in the shower and someone walked in. Brendan grabs one of the envelopes.

“Five sixteen, newbie,” Brendan calls, flicking a keycard my way. I totally fail at catching it and it smacks me in the chest, then falls to the ground.

“Asshole,” I mutter under my breath but loud enough that Sherman hears.

“You two still at it? Man, you would think that after being locked in a room together, you would learn to get along.”

“I can take whatever he throws at me,” I say, with a smirk that I hope Sherman doesn’t see.

“Well, at least we’re only here a few days. One game, then on the road again.”

I crack my neck and stretch out my back.

“Great, can’t wait,” I laugh, and we head inside with the others.

When I get to the room, I find it’s bigger than the last one. It has a mini kitchen and there are two bedrooms on opposite sides of a separate living space.

“I took this one,” Brendan says, popping his head out of the one on the left.

I drop my bags in my room and join him in the living space.

“I think we should go out,” I say before I can lose my nerve.


“There are some great gay clubs in Boston, and you said this is all new to you, so maybe we should check them out. You could meet some new people, dance, and see if you…”

He shifts in his seat. “See if I what? Want to hook up with any of them?”

I didn’t want to say it but it’s exactly what I was thinking. I hate the idea of him wanting anyone but me, but he’s so new to this that I don’t trust our connection.

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