Page 64 of Fooling the Forward

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“Aww, that’s sweet and kind of manipulative, but I’ll let it go because I missed you too. Even though I said I wouldn’t fall for you, I couldn’t stop it from happening.”

“Thank you for being so thoughtful and taking care of my dad. He’s going to try to steal you from me if I’m not careful.”

She smiles mischievously. “He is handsome and charming.”

My hand sweeps under her dress to possessively clamp around her inner thigh. I lean over to whisper in her ear. “Do I need to remind you who this pussy belongs to?”

“Not right now,” she says, giggling.

I slide my hand higher, teasing the edge of her panties. “Are you sure about that?” I challenge, dipping a finger underneath the lace.

“D-don’t,” she whispers, and I pull my hand back. “We’re not alone,” she reminds me.

I glance around the table, making sure no one’s watching. I lose sight of everything else when she’s near me.

I give a quick nod. “You’re right. There’ll be plenty of time later to remind you.”

The servers come around with trays full of food. There are multiple bowls of pasta, salad, chicken, and bread for each table. They’re placed in the middle of the table.

“We’re dining family style,” Evie tells us. “Everyone help yourselves to whatever you want.”

I pick up Calista’s plate and fill it with a little bit of everything.

She smiles at me and all I want to do is kiss her. “Thank you.”

I press my leg to hers. “You’re welcome.” I load my plate up and immediately dig in. “This is good but not as good as your cooking,” I tell her.

“You’re officially biased now,” she says.

Soft jazz music plays in the background while everyone eats. The servers move around, removing empty pasta bowls, placing new ones down. My teammates and I keep eating long past everyone else being finished.

“Wait until you all see the cake Calista made,” Evie says.

“It’s beautiful,” Wendy adds.

“You’re all so nice. Evie, I’m glad you’re happy with it.”

“Happy doesn’t come close to how I feel. It’s too pretty to cut into, never mind eat,” Evie says.

“If no one ate any, all my effort would be for nothing. It makes me happy when it’s enjoyed,” Calista explains.

“I love cake. I can’t wait to eat a big ole piece,” Murphy says. “And knowing you spent a lot of time making it only makes me want to eat it more. It must be really fucking good.”

Calista laughs. “If you like it that much I’ll make you your own cake sometime.”

Murphy glances at me. “How do you feel about that?”

“It’s cake, not a date. But I still might kick your ass.”

Murphy laughs.

Two servers roll out the cart with the cake on it. Bright blue frosting forms large flowers all across the top with green vines trailing down the sides.

“Wow, Lis, that’s amazing,” I say.

She smiles at me. “Thank you.”

“I don't know how you found the time to make that,” I say.

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