Page 52 of Fooling the Forward

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“I was just about to ask Calista to marry me when you walked in,” he says, his eyes shining with amusement.

I laugh, glancing at Ryder. “I see where you get your charm from.”

“And my good looks.” He notices the cookies sitting out on the plate and reaches for one. I slap his hand away.

“Hey,” he says, looking outraged.

I wag my finger at him. “No cookies until later.”

“But there are so many,” he says. “Why can’t I have one?”

“I’m saving them for the kids.”

“They don’t need that many. My sister will murder us all if they get hopped up on sweets.”

“I plan to send some home with her.”

“And with me too, right?” Walter asks, smiling.

“Of course,” I confirm.

“Do you need help with anything?” Ryder asks.

“Son, leave it to the professional. The only thing you and I know how to do in the kitchen is screw up,” Walter tells him.

“I’m not that bad,” Ryder defends.

Walter props his chin on his hand. “Did you tell Calista how devastated we were when we ran out of her leftovers?”

Ryder nods. “Yeah, briefly.”

“After eating your cooking, nothing tasted good anymore. You spoiled us.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed it so much. And just so you know, I always cook extra. Don’t let your son hoard the meals.”

“Don’t tell him that. He’ll be over here all the time,” Ryder says, but I can tell he doesn’t mind.

“Now that I’ve met Calista, I plan to be over here more anyway. These old eyes could use something beautiful to gaze upon.”

“Oh, Walter. You’re too kind.” I say.

“And you’re too busy to be over here all the time,” Ryder tells him, smirking.

“Hello,” a female voice calls out.

“Alice and her brood are here,” Ryder tells me.

My stomach fills with nervous energy. I’m about to meet the rest of his family.

“Hey y’all,” Alice says, waving. She’s gorgeous like her brother. Black hair falls straight to her shoulders in a shiny curtain. Her dark probing eyes look me over, and I hope I don’t fall short in her esteem.

Ryder and his dad exchange hugs with Alice and the kids, then shake her husband Brandon’s hand.

“Alice and Brandon, this is Calista,” Ryder introduces me.

She smiles as she walks toward me. I’m drawn into a hug before I know what’s happening. “It’s so nice to meet you.”

“Likewise,” I say.

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