Page 117 of Ruthless Villain

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We stare at each other for a beat before I nod. "Me too."

He brushes my cheek with his thumb, looking concerned again. "Did you tell your father about Evan?"

I shake my head. “Not yet.”

"You need to, Autumn. Your father needs to know what he did."

"He already suspects you of putting Evan in the hospital. If I tell him he'll know it was you."

"It doesn't matter," Luc says sternly. "I don't care what your father does to me. I care about you."

Of everything he’s said to me, I know this to be true. That's why I have to take this matter into my own hands. This is another instance of Dad being judge, jury, and executioner. Luc has a lot more to lose than me so I need to be careful with every move I make.

"I will tell him. Just give me some time, okay?"


"When can I see you again?"

"Meet me tomorrow, at the manor at six."

"I'll be there."

"Good. Get home now. Send me a message when you reach the house."

"I will."

He lifts my knuckles and kisses my hand. "See you tomorrow, Venus."

He leaves and I make my way back in the opposite direction. It's not till I reach the end of the corridor that I feel eyes on me. The feeling is so strong that I turn around expecting to see Luc there, but there's no one. I scan my surroundings but find it empty.

The hall is so narrow that surely I would've heard if someone left or came, so maybe I'm just being paranoid. With that reasoning, I leave.

And hope I’m right.

The next day couldn’t come fast enough for me.

I’m dying to see Luc again and spend time with him, so when I reach the manor and he opens the door I jump right into his arms.

We greet each other as if years have passed instead of a day since we kissed in the arena.

“This is the kind of meeting I live for,” he laughs, spinning me around.

“Me too. It feels like I’m finally home.”

“You are, my goddess. This is your home.”

Luc pulls me in for another kiss and I kiss him back with the same desire that he gives me. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his taut waist, pressing into his hard muscles.

God, I’ve missed his body as much as I’ve craved him. It’s been too long and I don’t know how I managed without him for all the years I didn’t know him.

“I need you, Autumn.” His voice is a low rumble in my soul. “I need to be inside you.”

“Then take me, Luc Le Blanche.”

“With pleasure.”

He carries me to the room we’ve been using and it really does feel likeourroom.

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