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“I think I proved you’re an adult last night.” He waggles his eyebrows. “Several times.”

I roll my eyes. Leave it to a man to make every conversation about sex.

He frames my face with his hands and meets my gaze. “In case there’s any confusion, I love you, Indigo.” I gasp but hedoesn’t stop. “I loved you when we were teenagers and I could barely figure out how to put a condom on, let alone how to please you. I loved you for the decade we were apart. And I love you now more than ever. I will always love you.”

“You weren’t a horrible lover when we were teenagers,” I say since I’m too busy reeling from the amount of times he said the word ‘love’ to make any sense.

He chuckles before pressing his lips to mine. I dig my hands into his shoulders and pull him near as I open for him. He thrusts his tongue into my mouth. When his taste of coffee and musk and something just Cash hits me, I moan.

He angles my head to dive in deeper. Fine by me. Being kissed by Cash is unlike being kissed by any other man. When he kisses me, his full concentration is on me. Not his phone. Not the clock. Me.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

He yanks away before rushing to the stove. “Shit. I forgot about the eggs.”

While he shoves the pan under the water, I wave a towel in front of the smoke alarm until it stops beeping.

“I think I ruined breakfast.”

“Ya think?”

He lifts the pan to show me the burnt eggs.

I giggle. “Burnt eggs to go with the burnt toast.”

“I’ll ask Aurora to buy some new pans and put them in my stuff when she ships it.”

I try to stop myself from scowling but it doesn’t work.

“What’s wrong?” Cash drops the pan in the sink and stalks toward me until my back hits the counter. He places his hands on each side of me to cage me in. “What’s wrong, Indy?”


“You always look like you swallowed a lemon?”

“You just tried to start Grandma’s house on fire. I’m allowed to be annoyed with you right now.”

He leans close to whisper in my ear. “You weren’t annoyed when I had my tongue down your throat.”

I cross my arms over my chest to hide my shiver. “That was before the fire.”

“There was no fire. There was barely any smoke. And you weren’t annoyed until…” He swears underneath his breath before cradling my face in his hands. “There’s no reason to be jealous.”

“I’m not jealous. Why would I be jealous? Who do I have to be jealous of?”

“Aurora’s the band’s personal assistant. Our relationship is strictly professional.”

I play with the hairs on his chest to avoid looking into his eyes as I confess, “But she knows you.”

“Knowing what size jeans I wear doesn’t equal knowing me. The real me. The only people who know the real me are Dylan, Fender, Gibson, Jett, and you.”


“Besides, Aurora’s hung up on someone else.”


“If I tell you, I’ll have to kill you.”

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