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Bullshit – excuses you come up with to hide how scared you are


Cash scans the area and frowns.

“It’s busy everywhere. Let’s go home.”

Let’s go home.Oh, how I wish those words were true. That we were walking towardour home.A home with Cash is all I’ve ever wanted. Not Cash the rockstar. Cash the boy I fell in love with.

We turn around and start toward the house. Before we can cross the street, a squirrel darts out in front of me.

I grasp my chest. “I didn’t…”

I trail off when Katy Purry rushes out of the bushes after the squirrel.

“Get back here!” a man shouts as he follows after them.

I chase after him. “Don’t you dare hurt, Katy Purry!”

He stops and whirls around to confront me and I nearly bump into him.

He glares at me. “I wouldn’t hurt an animal. Who do you think I am?”

I don’t know. I have no idea who this man is. I’ve never seen him before.

I hold out my hand. “I’m Indigo.”

“No time for niceties. I have a chipmunk to save.”

“Too bad he wasn’t on his leash,” Cash says.

“Leash? What are you talking about?” I ask.

“This is Forest,” Cash points to the man. “He enjoys walking his chipmunks on a leash. At least he’s wearing pants today.”

Wearing pants today? Why wouldn’t he wear pants?

“I don’t keep Dale on his leash in my backyard.” Forest scowls at me. “But I didn’t expect a cat to show up either.”

I cringe. “Katy Purry won’t hurt your chipmunk.” I hope. I’m afraid my kitty isn’t an innocent as I proclaim she is.

“And she didn’t kill a bird yesterday either,” Cash mutters beside me and I elbow him. He’s not helping things.

The bushes next to us rustle before my kitty prances out. “See?” I point. “She didn’t harm anyone.”

“Where’s Dale?” Forest falls to his knees to search the bushes.

“Grab the devil cat,” Cash orders. “I’ll help search for the chipmunk.”

“My cat is not the devil,” I mumble before approaching Katy Purry. “Here, kitty. Here, kitty.”

My cat stops and sits. She begins licking her paws as she watches me.

“There’s a good kitty,” I say as I reach for her.

I swear she scoffs as if she can understand what I’m saying and disagrees with me. Is there such a thing as a cat whisperer? Maybe I should contact one since my kitty and Cash don’t get along.

Whoa. I’m getting way ahead of myself.

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