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“You get used to his corny jokes,” Riley says as he approaches Indy. “I’m Riley.” He captures her hand and kisses her fingers.

I growl and snatch Indy’s hand away from him before hauling her close to me.

He grins. “Awesome. I knew you would win her back.”

Brody raises an eyebrow. “Really? Last week you bet they wouldn’t get back together.”

“Reverse psychology.”

“Why are you congregating on the sidewalk?” A police officer asks as he strolls toward us.

“Don’t worry,” Elder says in a whisper-shout. “It’s only Peace.”

Peace as in the half-brother I haven’t met yet? The other brother who was conceived out of wedlock because our biological father apparently couldn’t keep it in his pants?

I clear my throat. “Nice to meet you. I’m Cash.”

A woman squeals before pushing him out of the way. “I’m Olivia. I’m your biggest fan.”

Peace growls before wrapping an arm around her and dragging her to him. “You promised to behave.”

“And you believed me? Silly man.” She chuckles as she pats his arm.

“You’re pregnant. You shouldn’t be getting excited.”

She rolls her eyes. “You were totally fine with me being excited when you pushed me against the wall five minutes before we left.”

Peace groans. “Olivia.”


“You’re going to be the death of me.”

“But oh, what a glorious death it’ll be.”

“I like her,” Indy declares.

Olivia claps. “Awesome. We can be best friends. I have to warn you, though. I have three sisters who think they’re the boss of me and one big brother who really thinks he’s the boss of all of us.”

Indy shrugs. “As long as you agree to add Virginia to our group of friends, I’m in.”

Olivia wrests her way out of Peace’s hold and grasps Indy’s hand before leading her toward the house. “Who’s Virginia?”

I start after them. Peace stops me with a hand on my shoulder. “Your girl is perfectly safe.”

“She didn’t grow up with siblings. I don’t want her to be overwhelmed.”

Brody barks out a laugh. “Don’t worry. She’s going to be overwhelmed.”

I brush off Peace’s hold. “I need to go with her.”

“He has my stamp of approval.”

I rear back. “Are all of the Bragg brothers crazy?”

“Technically, I’m not a Bragg brother. I’m a Sky. Peace Sky.”

He holds out his hand and we shake.

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