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“Fine. You can stay here, but you’ll stay out of my hair. And you need to find other accommodations as soon as possible.”

“Why do I need other accommodations?”

“Because I’m selling this house as soon as I can and then I’m leaving.”

My heart clenches. Leaving? Indigo’s leaving already?

Fuck the album. I’m spending every single second I can with her until she’s gone. My memories of her need to last me for a lifetime.

Chapter 3

Temptation – when you really, really want to do something you know you shouldn’t but oh boy would it be fun


For a second, I don’t know where I am. This isn’t my bed. This isn’t my bedroom. I sniff. It smells familiar.Grandma.I smile before I remember. She isn’t here. She never will be again.

Tears threaten but I blink them away. I’ve cried more over the past few days than I have since…

I slam my fist against the mattress. I am not going there. I’m not going to think about how Cash tore my heart in two and threw the pieces away without a backward glance.

I scowl. I’m doing an awesome job of not going there.

Meow!My cat pounces on me.

“And good morning to you, too, Katy Purry.”


“I get it. You’re hungry. Can I have some coffee first?”

She swipes a paw at my shoulder.

“Guess not.”

I throw the blankets off and roll out of bed. My bare feet hit the floor and I yelp.

“Cold. Cold. Cold.”

I’m not used to the cold having grown up in San Diego. I spent quite a bit of time in Winter Falls growing up but it was always during the summer. Grandma came to San Diego for Christmas until the ‘big fight’.

I find my thick socks and throw a hoodie on over my flannel pajamas. Time for coffee.

I open the bedroom door and Katy Purry rushes out and down the hall.

She snarls before someone growls, “Don’t you dare, demon cat.”

Cash.I still can’t believe he’s here. What are the odds of him recording an album in Winter Falls at the same time Grandma died? Is it serendipity? Or just really bad luck? The worst kind of luck. The ‘you thought you were over him but you’re not’ kind of luck.

“I’m warning you, cat.”

Cash’s grumble reminds me I can’t stand in the hallway contemplating my love life forever. I have a will reading to attend this morning. My eyes well with tears but I blink them away. I’m not crying again! Instead, I force my feet to move.

I enter the kitchen but skid to a stop at the vision in front of me. Cash is brandishing a ladle at my kitty while wearing nothing but a pair of boxers.

I ignore Katy Purry. She’s harmless. Mostly.

My eyes are glued to Cash’s nearly naked form. I got a glimpse of it yesterday but I refused to stare considering I barged into the bathroom and ripped open the shower curtain without his permission.

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