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“What do you want to drink? I know you rockstar types probably mainline vodka but I don’t have a liquor license.”

I hold up a hand. “I don’t drink anything stronger than beer.”

“How about a lemonade? I make it myself.” She dashes away before I have a chance to respond. I guess I’m having lemonade.

The door opens to the diner and Indigo steps inside. I wave her over and she scowls before marching to me.

“This is why the gossip gals told me I had to try the meatloaf today.”

I chuckle. “They told me the same thing.”

“Meanwhile, the refrigerator at Grandma’s house is stuffed full of dishes the neighbors have been bringing over all day. What were they thinking?”

I peer around the diner. Everyone in the place is focused on us and they’re not bothering to hide it.

I lean close to whisper, “I think they’re trying to set us up.”

“What did you say? I couldn’t hear you,” someone shouts.

“He said he thinks the gossip gals are trying to set them up,” the person in the booth behind us answers.

The place erupts into laughter. Moon arrives with two glasses of lemonade. She smiles at Indigo. “Nice to see you made it.”

“Did I have a choice?” Indigo mutters.

Moon barks out her laugh. “Enjoy the ride.”

“What ride?” Indigo asks but Moon’s already gone. “Who’s she?”

I shrug. “All I know is her name is Moon.”

Before Indigo can ask any more questions, Moon returns and plops two servings of meatloaf down on the table. “You’re welcome.”

“Hey! I haven’t gotten my food yet and I arrived here before them,” the person in the booth behind us complains.

“You’ll get your food when it’s ready, Sirius,” Moon tells him before marching off again.

Indigo moans and I forget all about all the people in the diner watching our every move. I want to hear her moan when my hands are on her naked skin. When she’s moaning becauseshe can’t contain the pleasure I’m giving her. My cock twitches at the thought.

“This is really good.” She frowns at me. “Why aren’t you eating?”

I tell my cock to calm the hell down and pick up my fork to dig in. I nearly groan at the taste. This is fabulous. Hands down the best meatloaf I’ve eaten in my life. Which isn’t saying much. My mom wasn’t much of a cook and I haven’t enjoyed a homemade meal in over a decade.

Conversation is forgotten as we eat our dinners. When I finish, I drop the fork on the plate and lean back to rub my belly.

“Best meatloaf I’ve ever tasted,” I declare.

Indigo giggles. “No kidding. I thought you were going to lick the plate.”

I stick my tongue at her. “I was hungry for some comfort food. I eat healthy on tour.”

Moon arrives and picks up our plates. “By the way, I’m married to one of the brothers. They know where you’re staying and your time’s up. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

Indigo gapes after her. “What’s she talking about?”

“Never mind.”

Pain flashes in her eyes. “I don’t know why I bothered to ask. You haven’t told the truth since our high school graduation.”

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